Tykis are a bitch to write

Sep 06, 2010 00:46

Miranda stirred slowly, blinking away the sleep from her eyes. Tyki was sprawled beside her, snoring lightly. Despite this it took her a moment after sitting up to realize he was there, and when she did her heart caught in her throat. She barely suppressed a squeak and blushed hotly as she remembered why he was there.

Last night his hands and lips and all of him had wandered as freely as he’d pleased, and she had been nothing but accepting, reciprocating as best she knew how. Her face turned a darker shade of red as she ran her fingers gingerly along the marks that littered her neck.

They had really... She had really...

Miranda glanced again at her bedmate, as if to reassure herself once more that she was remembering correctly. Tyki shifted while he slept, his mouth hanging open slightly as a particularly loud snore escaped him. Slowly, carefully, Miranda lifted the sheets and peered beneath, squeaking and pushing them down a moment later when she affirmed that yes, he was in fact as naked as her.

It seemed there was no escaping the truth.

She bit her lip, softly. Was she a traitor now? Would her Innocence judge her as one? Miranda could still feel its slight tug on her soul, and it seemed the same as always. Maybe... Maybe things would be all right, then. Maybe this meant she was influencing his better nature after all. She could only hope it was that, and not another stage in his (or was it their?) game....

Beside her Tyki stirred, cracking an eye open and purring his usual greeting. “Bom dia, Miranda.”

One of the few times he used her proper name.

“G... Good morning.”

Tyki chuckled and pulled her down to wrap his arms around her from behind. She squeaked in surprise but allowed it, blushing just as much as before. “Did you sleep well, hmm?”

“Yes,” she managed to answer, fidgeting still.

He chuckled and ran his fingers down her arm, drawing out a shiver. “I should hope so. I’d be disappointed in myself if you weren’t exhausted.”

She yelped at the innuendo, covering her face. “Tyki!”

His grin widened at that, boyish and teasing. “No, I don’t think you sounded quite like that. It was something more of, ‘Oh, Tyki, please~ Ahhh, more~’.” His imitation was deliberately ridiculous, pointedly exaggerated to draw an embarrassed protest from her.

“I did not sound like that!” She glared up at him from between her fingers, causing him to laugh outright.

“Then perhaps you’ll grace me with another performance?” He ducked down to kiss her neck and she gasped.

“I need to keep working-”

In the back of his mind, Tyki remembered exactly why he had originally planned not to bed her: this was going to become a terrible distraction for them both. But he had already broken his resolve once, and she was so close... He let his lips trail lower, brushing over her collarbone. “You have all day for that.”

Miranda groaned softly and tangled fingers in his hair, nodding. “Right...” Unknowingly, she was thinking along the same lines as him. That this was a distraction she couldn’t afford, if she was going to get her Innocence to evolve and have any hope of truly standing against the Earl. But his lips felt wonderful on her skin, and the sun had barely risen...

It couldn’t hurt to wait a little while longer.

ooc: drabble

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