Happy fandom swap, aphrodite_mine!

May 06, 2006 22:50

Happy fandom swap, aphrodite_mine!

Title: Good Girls Don't
Author: phaballa
Fandom: Degrassi: The Next Generation
Summary: The first time they kiss, both of them are drunk and pumping with adrenaline and Paige doesn't speak to her for a week after. The first time they have sex, both of them are completely sober, nervous and shaking, and it's not perfect but it's good and it feels right, being with Paige, them being together, in a way that being with Jay or any of the other guys never did.
Pairings: Alex/Paige
Rating: R
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Comments: Sorry this is so late! Hope you enjoy it!

If there's one thing Alex hates, it's girls like Paige Michaelchuck. Good girls with rich parents who only have jobs because they're so spoiled they thought it would be a good idea to trash their boyfriend's car in a fit of rage. Girls who use the word 'whatever' like a second language, girls on the spirit squad who call Alex a slut behind her back while blowing the teacher's aid in the broom cupboard between classes. There are tons of them at Degrassi, these horrible, hypocritical girls who look at her with that mean sort of pity in their eyes, like they actually feel sorry for her but are sort of glad too, because without girls like Alex, who would they have to compare themselves to? So yeah, they walk around in packs, these girls, but Paige Michaelchuck is the worst.

Which is why it sucks so bad when Paige starts working at the concession stand. She shouldn't be there. It's bad enough Alex has to deal with her at school, but now she's there constantly, and she attracts her little friends there in droves, as if one of them wasn't enough.

"I don't get it," Alex complains as Jay throws himself onto the couch and switches on the television. "It's not like she needs the money."

Jay just gives her this look, like he doesn't get why she has to do things like talk and think and have opinions.

"When's your mom getting back?" Jay ignores her complaints entirely, fishing a cigarette out of his jacket pocket and lighting up.

"I don't know. An hour, maybe? Just-she's always around."

"You mom?"

Alex doesn't feel the slightest bit guilty for punching him in the arm. Hard. "No. Paige."

"So like, an hour?" Jay gives her a smile that he probably thinks is seductive, but just makes Alex want to hit him again. Maybe in the face this time. He grabs her hand and presses it against his denim-covered crotch. The thing about Jay is that he's got this perpetual hard-on and he thinks every time his dick so much as twitches, he deserves to get off.

"Come on, Lexi," he says, giving her a little pout, like that will really put her in the mood when she can't get Paige Michaelchuck out of her head. He thrusts his hips a little, pushing his dick against her palm, and bites his lip. "Blow me."

Alex rolls her eyes and snatches her hand away, and this time when she punches him in the arm she aims to leave a bruise. "Real romantic, Jay. Way to woo a girl. God. You know what?" she adds, standing and heading for her room, where she fully plans to lock the door and not think about Paige like, at all. "Fuck you."

"Dude, I'm trying to!" Jay calls after her, laughing to himself as she slams her bedroom door shut. He can take care of himself, Alex thinks as she throws herself on her bed. She has plans to make. The Michaelchuck has to go.

But days pass, and weeks, and months, and Paige-she's still there. She calls Alex 'hon' until Alex fakes vomiting into a popcorn carton, and she speaks in this foreign language like she's been watching The O.C. on a non-stop cycle since birth, all, "But like, whatever, it was so very very, you know?" Alex doesn't. But she's starting to know Paige, and that doesn't bother her as much as it should.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" Paige asks one day as they're cleaning out the butter tubs. It's completely random but that's just how Paige is, and Alex pretends not to understand on principle, because understanding the randomness of Paige isn't something Alex is even remotely willing to admit to.

"Who treats me like what?" Alex plays dumb and Paige rolls her eyes because they both know it, but she doesn't call Alex out either because if there's one thing Paige understands, it's image and the importance of maintaining it.

"Don't be retarded, Alex. I'm talking about Jay. You're oh-so-bad-boy, 'I like to break faces' boyfriend? He's total trash, hon. You could do better. Maybe not much, but…"

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe keeping your mouth shut will keep you from getting your ass kicked?" Alex rubs furiously at the bottom of the tub, wrinkling her nose at the days' old butter that comes up.

"I can't help but notice you're avoiding my question."

"I wonder why that is. Oh right, because it's none of your fucking business."

"Someone's in a mood. God. I'm just trying to be nice to a friend, help her out of a bad situation."

"Maybe don't be such a bitch about it then," Alex advises and pretends to ignore the implications of Paige's statement, but her mind is reeling at the way she so casually tossed out that word like it was nothing-friend.

Alex doesn't have friends. She has Jay, and the others from the ravine, but the girls she competes against at rainbow parties hardly count. There was Sean for a while, sort of, but now he's gone and for so long it's just been her and Jay against the world, even though half the time she feels like he's not even there, even when he is. Maybe it's all the drugs and beer and Alex used to like that, used to think it made them cooler than everyone else but now…

Now she just wants someone who'll actually listen when she talks. She wants to go home and not find her mom passed out drunk on the couch, and not have to fend off her mom's boyfriend, not have to lock herself in her bedroom or climb out the window when he starts threatening to break down the door. Alex wants a lot of things, she thinks as she tosses aside her sponge and longingly eyes the clock, but that doesn't mean she'll ever get them.


Jay might not be much but he's all Alex has, which is why when she opens the van door and finds him getting a blowjob from that self-righteous little bitch, Emma, Alex goes into a blinding rage and decides that nothing but their slow, bloody deaths will ever satisfy her.

"I don't understand it," Alex tells Paige, laying her head down on the concession counter and trying really hard not to cry because this? This situation she's in right now, with the Chlamydia and the cheating boyfriend and the murderous intentions over someone who's not good enough to lick her shoes? This is not okay. It is very fucking far from okay.

She feels a small hand settle onto her back before it begins rubbing in small, careful circles-Paige, trying to comfort her, probably scared half to death Alex will bite her hand off in the process.

"I'm still trying to understand the part where Emma Nelson was giving blowjobs out of the back of a van down in the ravine." Paige sounds half amazed, half amused, and Alex resists the urge to punch her because none of this is Paige's fault.

"You know, you could maybe not laugh at my pain? I thought you were my friend."

"Oh hon. I am. But can you blame me for being, well, sort of happy that you broke up? He's an asshole, Alex. A total scrub. And you know how we feel about those."

"I do?" Alex refuses to raise her head from the concession stand counter. Her throat hurts because she will not let herself cry over a guy who not only gave her an STD, but also prefers that little bitch Emma over her. At least Emma has the big C, too, and Alex knows that her parents, at least, will freak the fuck out when they find out.

"A scrub is a guy who can't get no love from me," Paige advises, hand warm on Alex's back. It shifts up to stroke through Alex's hair and really, Alex isn't sure if this is something girls do, the whole hair stroking, back rubbing, comfort thing, but then Paige is the one with actual real friends and Alex is the one with the cheating, diseased boyfriend, so she probably knows better.

"Right. I've heard that song too, Paige. Doesn't really help to know that Left Eye wouldn't approve."

Paige's fingers brush against the back of Alex's neck once, squeezing a little in a way that sends shivers down Alex's spine, before she moves away. Alex feels the empty space beside her like a cold draft and shivers again, finally lifting her head.

Paige gives her a half smile and fills up cokes for them, handing one over. "Come on, we deserve the calories," she says, like drinking a non-diet beverage is the Boxer Rebellion or something.

"Thanks." Alex tries for a smile but starts crying instead, suddenly and loudly, the kind of crying girls like Paige never do, all snotty and red-faced and gasping for breath. Paige bites her lip and hesitates for a long moment before pulling Alex into a hug, smoothing her hair down and resting her chin on Alex's head.

"I'm sorry hon. But it will get better. I promise."


The first time they kiss, both of them are drunk and pumping with adrenaline and Paige doesn't speak to her for a week after.

The first time they have sex, both of them are completely sober, nervous and shaking, and it's not perfect but it's good and it feels right, being with Paige, them being together, in a way that being with Jay or any of the other guys never did.

It's pouring rain when they get out of work that night, coming down in sheets that blow across the pavement in waves, steam rising from the concrete as the cold rain hits it, still hot from the record summer temperatures. They race across the parking lot to Paige's car and Paige shrieks and tries to hold her work shirt over her head, but by the time they make it into the car they're both soaked to the bone.

Alex will never be sure later who moves first, who leans in or how it happens, but suddenly they're kissing, all tongues and teeth and hot gasping breaths, Paige's lips on her neck, her fingers fumbling with the buttons on Alex's uniform as Alex's palms slip down from Paige's neck, down, down, and-

It's not perfect, but it's good and it feels right, and for once, Alex doesn't regret it. So Paige is a flake, and she's one of those girls, the kind that Alex hates, but she's more than that too because, well. No matter what happens between them, after this, if they break up, if they stay together, they'll always be them. They'll always be friends, and Alex knows that she can live without the taste of Paige's skin beneath her tongue or the feel of her hair slipping through fingers or the weight of her pressing Alex down, down. She can live without all that, but she doesn't want to. And for now, that's all that matters.


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