➤ 6th Transmutation

Nov 26, 2011 01:45

A. » Action「Locked to outliven

[You bet your ass he's is coming to get you, Trisha. He is not going to let you get hurt. Ever. He's there in SECONDS -- completely out of breath, eyes wide with terror.]

Mom! Mom, where are you?!

B. » Action「Around Town」


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Action ☆ B badend_replay November 26 2011, 07:14:15 UTC
[ By the time that Ed finds her it can be assumed that Rika has recovered from the initial shock. She's absorbed her depression and let it sink behind her mask. Then discarded the mask when it was too painful to smile.

She can be found standing in a pile of rubble. She's searching it for useful things... by "useful" she means a metal anything that can be used as a weapon. But if asked, she'll make up a lame excuse. ]

... Edward. Mm... Mi I am okay, sir. [ She tries to keep her voice high pitched and cute. But she's so tired that she is just barely managing to pretend to be his cute little sister. ] You?


unexculpable November 26 2011, 07:29:34 UTC
[Bullshit. He does not buy this "Rika is perfectly ok" act. Worry. All of it.]

I'm fine, really. You sure you're ok? You didn't get hurt or anything?


badend_replay November 26 2011, 07:48:25 UTC
[ Too bad. She shakes her head slowly. Hands behind her back now. ]

Not hurt. I'll be fine. [ He'll worry, won't he? No matter what she does to reassure him that she's not, he's going to worry. Rika would rather Ed focused on other things. She plans to grab a weapon and investigate. He's got so many people to protect that maybe he won't come, providing she can play her hand right.

Her head droops for a moment. Deep breath. Time to try. ] The town... this is too cruel.


unexculpable December 3 2011, 05:21:42 UTC
[Hit the nail on the head there, Rika. Ed's pretty determined to get you to safety and that safety has nothing to do with investigating anything. It's getting her down to the well protected base underground.]

No kidding... [All those dead bodies. All the destruction. He puts his hand on her shoulder to start guiding her back towards the base.] I don't know why they would pull something like this, but..

... C'mon, you should get somewhere safe.


badend_replay December 3 2011, 05:25:16 UTC
You needn't do such a thing. I'll be fine. This won't bother me.

[ She responds a bit quickly, a response that comes the moment he touches her. She had forgotten to act cute. ]

... I need to find food and things for my sister. [ Her excuse, an attempt to recover after such an un-Rika response. ]


unexculpable December 3 2011, 05:36:33 UTC
[Perhaps it's due to the fact that he's still in a state of shock that he doesn't pick up on the change or find it to be that significant. It's easy to assume that she's in shock and brush off the odd behavior.]

There's plenty back at the base. We can pick up your sister on the way back.


badend_replay December 3 2011, 05:47:03 UTC
There are some things the base will not have.

[ But getting Satomi to the base might be a good idea. Hanyuu too, perhaps, if Rika doesn't drag her off to investigate. Since that is the top concern on Rika's mind; taking advantage of the situation and trying to dig up clues. ]


unexculpable December 7 2011, 01:29:25 UTC
Like what?


badend_replay December 9 2011, 06:14:56 UTC
[ And her act snaps in two. Just for a moment, Rika lets the mask slip and speaks truthfully. Not wanting to lie to Ed and probably forgetting that "this" Ed doesn't know about "this" Furude Rika. ]

Clues. Mayfield makes the most mistakes during this large scale games. I will grab that mistake and rip it apart, and expose the guts of this game.


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