➤ 5th Transmutation

Nov 17, 2011 23:38

A. » Action/Locked to notalwystrthful「1652 Albright Lane ☼ Early Morning」

[Ed was actually on his way out, he never stayed at this house for too long. The only reason he came back at all was because he would be droned if he didn't sleep in here once every three days ( Read more... )

fuck you mayfield, what is this fuckery, that can't be healthy, being ed is suffering, this sucks, the truth is a troll, ow ow ow, is there a mechanic in the house?, regain, that's a whole lot of blood

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B; ed what you do... what you do. 1/2 custodismundi November 18 2011, 05:27:12 UTC
[Abel isn't often without a small blonde shadow, these days-- and that's been the way he's liked it ever since... well. a day he certainly wouldn't forget, at the least... not for long as he kept on ticking, it seemed.

but come nightfall, he'd heard about the people beginning to -lose their minds- around Mayfield, and knew there were a few people he wanted to check up on. just a peek, and put his mind at ease before he could hunker down to watch over the kids and his drone-wife...

Ed had been on the list, but had been at the bottom-- after all, he could hit up Edward's place on the way back to his own, easy peasy. but fate had another idea, since he was running across one of the objects of his curiosity out and about! what luck!]

--Ah! Edward, I was on my way to see you, actually... or, well, throw pebbles at your window since you don't like me ringing, the... ah...


2/2 custodismundi November 18 2011, 05:28:13 UTC

his voice trails off, the jovial smile beginning to dissolve as he gets a better look at him under lamplight. he looks... decidedly unwell. no... more than that. he looks...

Abel is taking a step forward, frown of concern and something sharper in his eyes.]

...Edward, what... happened? You look-- terrible.


NM Just got back some robot limbs that I got after trying to revive my mom. You know how it is, man. unexculpable November 18 2011, 05:36:33 UTC
[Luck is so on his side today. And by that he means luck was out to screw him over as fast as possible.

He sighs, rubbing his shoulder a little]

Thanks. It's good to see you too.


nothing bad could ever come from raising the dead, clearly. custodismundi November 18 2011, 05:46:40 UTC
[sob. he looks really concerned...]

...Are you alright? [FLSKJDF he will bridal style carry your ass to a doctor bro don't tempt him.]


Nope. Nothing. unexculpable November 18 2011, 05:53:40 UTC
[... his eyes soften and a small, tired smile pulls at his lips.]

I've been better, but yeah, I'm ok.


/headpats slowly... custodismundi November 18 2011, 05:55:43 UTC
[E-Ed. he almost wants to offer him a shoulder or something... BRO SERIOUSLY.]

...Did... someone hurt you?


unexculpable November 18 2011, 06:01:00 UTC
[He shakes his head]

No, nothing like that. Mayfield decided to give me something back from home this morning, that's all. [PHYSICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA. IT AIN'T NO THANG.]


custodismundi November 18 2011, 06:04:41 UTC
[a regain? maybe he'd gotten an ability or... injury from home? he'd heard about it happening...

ugh. his distaste for this town is rising, and he exhales a sigh.]

...I'm sorry. [for once, there's nothing teasing or vacant in it.] It... doesn't look like it was something pleasant.

Are you sure you're okay to be out and about...? You don't seem well at all, Edward. [and he doesn't just mean physically. you've got that... look in your eyes. ;;]


unexculpable November 18 2011, 06:11:52 UTC
It's... kind of a double edged sword. Useful, but I could have lived without ever getting it back.

Yeah, I'll be fine. I didn't want to just sit in the house and I... I really needed to stretch and walk around for a bit.


custodismundi November 18 2011, 06:14:28 UTC

[he can understand, he thinks. the need to get some fresh air, at least, if not the rest... he's in the dark about that, anyway ;(

but he gestures the way he'd been going.]

Do you want some company...? Or is this the kind of walk you'd prefer to be having alone? I won't mind either way, Ed, so... [tell him to fuck off at your leisure and he will ;; HE GETS IT.]


unexculpable November 18 2011, 06:22:03 UTC
Some company wouldn't be too bad.


custodismundi November 18 2011, 06:25:04 UTC
[b'aww ;; poor Edkins...

he'll let him set the pace, then...]

Alright... then, I'm here long as you can put up with me this time, eh...?


unexculpable November 18 2011, 06:33:01 UTC
[He bites back a pained grimace as they start walking again, his limp becoming a bit worse for the first few steps.]

As long as you don't pinch my cheeks again everything'll be fine.


custodismundi November 18 2011, 06:34:28 UTC
...Well, now that you said that...

[okay so many SOME idiocy is necessary. you're looking glum and maybe it'll cheer you up, WHO KNOWS...]


unexculpable November 18 2011, 06:42:32 UTC
Try it and I'll kick your ass.


custodismundi November 18 2011, 06:44:14 UTC
Are you kidding? I could hold you back with one finger, right about now... this is prime time for me to take advantage of your weak and sickly state!


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