➤ 5th Transmutation

Nov 17, 2011 23:38

A. » Action/Locked to notalwystrthful「1652 Albright Lane ☼ Early Morning」

[Ed was actually on his way out, he never stayed at this house for too long. The only reason he came back at all was because he would be droned if he didn't sleep in here once every three days ( Read more... )

fuck you mayfield, what is this fuckery, that can't be healthy, being ed is suffering, this sucks, the truth is a troll, ow ow ow, is there a mechanic in the house?, regain, that's a whole lot of blood

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unexculpable November 18 2011, 05:24:43 UTC
[He shakes his head, choking and gasping for breath. His arm stopped bleeding, finally and for a minute there's nothing but quiet, his pulse pounding in his ears. Ed opens his eyes, staring vacantly at the ceiling. What now? Was this it? Was this place sick enough to just leave him like this? It wouldn't surprise him, honestly.

Apologies keep stumbling out of his mouth -- broken and quiet and raw, begging, pleading. Diana didn't need to see this. This was his burden. His sin. Not hers.

His apologies are cut short and his breath hitches painfully in his chest. The familiar weight of his automail ports returns. Ed squeezes his eyes shut, trying to brace himself for what he knew was about to come.

It happens in an instant. One moment of blinding, white hot, burning pain as each and every nerve connects to the automail that has appeared to replace his missing limbs. It sets his body on fire, every muscle tenses and twitches and aches. His eyes are shut, but he can feel the room spinning, see bursts of white behind his eyes. One last strangled scream escapes him once everything connects and then he slumps, completely and utterly defeated, unable to say another word. Unable to do anything but lay down and breathe.

... At least it's over. That much is for certain, but now what?]


notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 05:28:52 UTC
[ Diana's grateful for the moment of reprieve since she's not sure just how much more her mind could take. She keeps on trying to console him, her fingers running through his hair, her other hand running up and down his back so that he didn't have to be alone in this suffering. She didn't want him to be alone. That time was over and done with.

She watches when the automail ports come to return with some curious intentions. What was the reason for those to reappear? Well, she figures she'll eventually find out. She almost wants to slump over, but no - she won't do that to him. He's her friend, dammit. It was her turn to take care of him.

But, no. She won't do that to him. When he slumps over, she takes a moment to breathe - to get some relief. She looks like a mess with his blood on her clothes, on her skin - but she doesn't mind it. With a push of strength, she tries to get him on to the couch and when she's done with that, she goes to make him comfy while she goes to clean up the blood.

Unfortunately, since her stomach's not all that strong yet, she does end up vomiting from the fear, pain, and the amount of emotions she experienced during that time. But, she makes a decent effort to be strong and instead of crying over it, she gets back up on her feet and continues at what she was doing while he rested. ]


unexculpable November 18 2011, 05:43:35 UTC
[Ed was conscious enough to hobble over to the couch. He murmured something that sounded like he was trying to protest, but the words never get there. As soon as he's on the couch, his eyes close and Ed is out cold.

He's not sure how long he slept for. Thankfully it was somewhat peaceful only in that the nightmares were broken up by long stretches of nothing. Ed sits up and leans his head back against the cushion. It's strange, he had gotten used to the whole "feeling" thing. He would have to get used to this again.

Ed closed his eyes, taking deep, steady breaths. Was Diana still here? ... She had to be. It didn't seem like she was going to leave him there, but he couldn't blame her if she did.]

I'm sorry, Diana. I'm so sorry.


notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 05:44:47 UTC
[ By the time Ed wakes up, Diana has changed her bloody clothes, threw them in the washer to hopefully get the blood out and changed into a pair of his clothes temporarily. She's been sitting in the living room, only getting up to put a washcloth on his forehead every so often. The blood's mostly cleaned up by now and she's still working on it.

She pokes her head through and waves at him, giving him a slight uneasy smile, but it's sincere all the same. ]

You don't need to be. Mayfield likes to be a sadist. [ She gets up and cricks her neck side to side. ] Do you need anything? Water? More pillows or blankets? Some medicine? A... hug?


unexculpable November 18 2011, 05:47:18 UTC
[He shakes his head slowly, rubbing the back of his neck with his left hand.]

No, it's... I'm fine, thanks though. You've done enough for me as it is.


notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 05:52:10 UTC
[ She goes to sit down on the floor, stifling a cough that's followed by a sniffle. The memories are still fresh in her head, but she doesn't want to have him burden himself any further. She can tell that he blamed himself over ... whatever happened for quite a while. Yet, that time was no longer now that she was here and his friend. And it would take a great deal of effort to make her give up on this.

What she does though is squeeze her hand a bit before taking Ed's hand into her own, rubbing the back of it with her thumb. ]

I'm not angry. I'm not upset. I'm just worried and concerned about you, Ed. How long have you had this weight on your shoulders? How long have you gone about this burden alone?


unexculpable November 18 2011, 05:57:02 UTC
[He stares at his hands, shoulders hunching. The skin under the ports is raw and every time he moves either of his limbs it hurts. Little pinpricks of pain accentuate every movement, but he refuses to let it bother him. He's done this before. He could do it again.]

... A long time.


notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 06:01:16 UTC
I may not know the full story, but... you're not alone, okay? You showed me that before, so now it's time I show you that you're not alone with this.

[ She pauses to let another cough go through before shaking her head. ]

What happened that made you get your prosthetics?


unexculpable November 18 2011, 06:05:10 UTC
[... hold up changing the subject.]

You're sick. You should really be resting right now.


notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 06:06:59 UTC

Idiot. You've just went through a traumatic experience. I have a case of the stupid sniffles. Your needs outweigh mine right now.



unexculpable November 18 2011, 06:19:40 UTC
[He's painfully quiet and he doesn't do anything other than sit there staring at his hands for at least two minutes or so.]

... A few weeks before Halloween I talked to you about something very important. Alchemy's one and only taboo. The one thing you should never, under any circumstances attempt. Do you remember that, Diana?


notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 06:22:39 UTC
Human transmutation. How could I forget?


unexculpable November 18 2011, 06:28:27 UTC
[... and he stays silent. You're a smart kid, he's sure you'll be able to figure it out.]


1/I'll let you know when I'm done. notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 06:31:04 UTC
[ ...

And then, for the second time, the color drains from her face. No wonder he told her to not attempt it under any circumstance.

So, for a while, she's silent, mulling this over. ]


2/? notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 06:32:04 UTC
[ ...yup, still trying to think of an appropriate response to all this. ]


3/? notalwystrthful November 18 2011, 06:32:39 UTC
... you idiot.


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