➤ 4th Transmutation [Sizefield!]

Oct 27, 2011 02:17

A. » Action「Mayfield High School ☼ U.S. History」

[So you know what sucks? Being short. Ok, no, not just short, but being an inch tall. That really sucks. Even worse? GETTING TOTED TO SCHOOL INSIDE A PURSE, THAT'S WHAT.

And of course it couldn't even be someone he remotely liked, oh no. It had to be Lust. There he was, trying to sneak out of that stupid house and then before he knew what was happening was shoved in some pocket next to a tube of red lipstick (that he totally transmuted, by the way. Nothing quite like going to fix your makeup and pulling out a tube of bright red crayon.) because she "had to keep him safe".


This was just an excuse to humiliate him and make his life as miserable as possible. So far? Mission accomplished. This tiny alchemist has never been tinier and it looks like his temper shrank to match his size. Which, if you're curious and decide to measure, actually isn't even an inch. In fact, the top of that one piece of hair that sticks up doesn't quite reach that mark.

People shrink and somehow he's smaller than all of them. WHAT IS HIS LIFE?

Anyway. To those lucky students who happen to have Lust as teacher for their U.S. history class, they might notice a tiny addition to her desk. There is +1 State Alchemist being used as a paper weight. When graded papers are handed back out, they might notice that the stamped letters have not been made in a "traditional" way. Oh, no. They're made up of tiny footprints and the bottom of Ed's boots are stained black. Damn ink isn't coming off.]

B. » Action「Teacher's Lounge ☼ Lunch」

[There was no way Lust was going to leave Ed by himself. Too dangerous. What if he fell off the desk? Or someone stepped on him? Or heard him screaming obscenities, thought he was a bug and squished him with a textbook? No, Lust couldn't have that happen.

Instead, she takes her minuscule charge with her to the teacher's lounge for lunch. In front of her is a line of items based on height. The tube of lipstick Ed transmuted is among them and as for Ed himself? Dead last.]

((ooc: responses will be from either Ed, Lust, or both! Just let us know who you want in the tag!))

C. » Action「Around Town - Close to Mayfield High ☼ Late Afternoon/Early Evening」

[FREEDOM. He's not sure how it happened, but somehow he managed to get away from Lust and make it outside without getting stepped on. Unfortunately, he didn't get very far before he ran into a problem. There was an ant who apparently marked him as a threat. He was going to have to fight this ant. HE HAD TO FIGHT AN ANT.

Just as it was about to close in on him, Ed claps his hands and touches the ground. Alchemic energy, which from a person of normal height looked a bit like strangely colored, prolonged, especially bright, electric shock, spreads outward towards the ant and a large (to Ed anyway) stone fist erupts from the ground, slams into the ant and sends the bastard flying.]


school sucks, fuck you mayfield, short rants are now reality, what is this fuckery, being ed is suffering

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