
Jul 10, 2011 21:50


Backtagging: Yep! I'm kind of slow so I abuse this... a lot. XD;
Threadhopping: Sure!
Fourthwalling: That's fine~
Offensive subjects (elaborate): I'm pretty hard to offend, but if you're not sure about something, go ahead and ask..


Hugging this character: If you want. He'll probably just awkward around and won't really reciprocate. Depends on who you are/what the situation is.

Kissing this character: HAHAHAHAHA. GO FOR IT MAN. Watch him blush/stammer/stutter/fluster/etcetc.

Flirting with this character: Sure, but he probably won't realize you're doing it.

Fighting with this character: Of course! Dude, this Ed. He fights frequently. With everyone. Even is brother. Especially his brother. Gotta keep in shape, you know?

Injuring this character (include limits and severity): Discuss it with me first.

Killing this character: See above.

Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Ed 's no idiot. If he knows your character has this sort of power and he suspects them of using it, whatever they see will probably not be what's he's actually thinking. If you have questions on what would be ok, just ask.

Warnings: He's loud. He's foul-mouthed. He can and will fuck your shit up if he has to. Sometimes he emos. He meddles in things he shouldn't.

*ooc, !permissions

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