Aug. 11th, entry sixteen

Aug 11, 2010 12:24

This Wilderness really ain't bad. Wasn't expecting to have to keep Boy from chasing down some huge lizard, though. [OR KEEP HER FROM EATING CANDYBARS, god.] Might pick some shit up around the city, anyone know good places to hit up?

[There's a long pause before he jots in the rest:]
...Hey Pollux, I need to talk to you later. Get back to me.

Car ( Read more... )

useful entry, tsundere bitches

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feathered_earth August 11 2010, 19:12:25 UTC
The Wilderness is amazing! I've never seen anything like it before.

And yeah, no problem. [Curioooous.]


unevoked August 11 2010, 21:51:49 UTC
...It's comfortable. The city's a bit big, but I like it. Being able to read the damn signs is a plus, too.

Alright, I'll stop by sometime. Figure if anyone'd be able to help with it, it'd be you guys.


feathered_earth August 11 2010, 22:27:22 UTC
Oh, you can read the language? That's handy! I'm glad you like it--I do too, but it's just overwhelming to think of that many people in one place.

Okay. We'll see what we can do for you--is it a repair job?


unevoked August 12 2010, 02:59:01 UTC
Yeah-- seems like a lotta people haven't been able to, though. And I'd prefer it to be quieter, but whatever.

I'm thinking so, but I might need more parts.


feathered_earth August 12 2010, 03:22:11 UTC
Still, it must be nice to have something familiar.

Oh--okay then. [She's going to be wondering what the heck he's talking about until he brings it in.]


unevoked August 12 2010, 03:28:36 UTC
A bit, but the city itself ain't familiar. I still need a damn map to get around.

Alright. [Quicklog/handwave/etc? It's the top half of an evoker. He's assuming Crochet/Aim would know more, but likes asking Krile better. :| ]


feathered_earth August 12 2010, 04:00:11 UTC
[Quicklog? Except it probably won't be quick l-lol if you don't mind that.]


unevoked August 12 2010, 04:12:46 UTC
[Slowlogs are equally delicious! Shall I start?]


feathered_earth August 12 2010, 04:22:22 UTC
[Go right ahead!]


Slowlog~ unevoked August 12 2010, 04:32:54 UTC
[We'll say it's.. Idk in a few days. Whenever they both have time.]

[Castor stepped into the weapons shop, glancing around for a moment. He was sure CarKrile wouldn't be the most thrilled at being asked about the gun parts-- after using items from her shop to shoot himself, though, he couldn't really blame her-- but if anyone could help repair it, it would be the workers at the weapons stall.

He had gone through his whole box of miscellaneous gun parts the previous day, finding all the trigger assemblies, grips, anything that looked like it was missing, but he wasn't exactly skilled in putting guns together-- and didn't know just how it had been modified. For all he knew, the grip of the gun would be just as important as the rest of it, and letting Pollux put a bullet through his head wans't on his list of things to do.]

Hey C-- Krile. [The name was pronounced a bit wrong.] You in here?


Slowlog~ feathered_earth August 12 2010, 13:15:02 UTC
[Cool~ probably whenever the Guard schedule gets back to normal, Idk.]

[Krile's been wondering what Castor was talking about since he made that journal entry--she's tinkering with a battle bell below the counter when she hears Castor's voice and pops up, a friendly smile on her face.]

Hi there! It's Krile, actually. [She says it with a smile, not annoyed at the mispronunciation.] So, what do you have?


Slowlog~ unevoked August 12 2010, 13:44:51 UTC
Krile. Sorry. [He'd work on not butchering her name now that he had heard it. He stepped up to the counter, rummaging through his pocket for a moment.]

And before you ask, I don't plan on killing myself, [Despite the joking words, his tone was serious as he pulled out what looked like the slide, barrel, and action assembly of a handgun and set it down, the engraving shown up.] It's the exact one I had in a memory. I checked it out and it's been modified not to fire bullets-- Just need to get the whole damn thing together.

[Castor paused. He did still feel bad about having killed himself the first time, mostly because of Cara's accidental "involvement" in supplying the weaponry.] ...I know what I'm doin' this time.


Slowlog~ feathered_earth August 12 2010, 20:57:50 UTC
Oh good. [She watches as he puts the various bits of the gun on the counter, picking up the barrel to take a look at it herself... but it does look like he's right. She's been working with guns long enough to tell that this couldn't fire a bullet.]

It looks like we can put this back together into whatever it is... apart from the barrel it seems like it's built like a normal handgun. [Krile turns the parts over in her hands--she'll run this past Lockon anyway, just to make sure that this isn't something Castor could shoot himself with. She really had felt awful when Stoneface told her that he was dead by something she'd sold, even though logically there was no way she could have known he was planning it.] What is it supposed to do? Is it a magic weapon?

[She does have a few of those, after all--the bells, for instance, so a gun-that's-not-a-gun falls into the "magic" category in her mind.]


Slowlog~ unevoked August 13 2010, 00:21:08 UTC
[A magic weapon. Thankfully Krile didn't think he was stupid for this-- probably because she had seen tons of weird items herself in the shop. Still, it was easier than saying "I really don't know how it works, but I'm sure it will." After pausing for a moment, he explained quietly.]

I got a... monster, I guess. I know it's there 'cause I've seen it. This's supposed to let me summon him. [Sure, he had that vague feeling of dread about it-- for instance, what if he had summoned it and he couldn't control it? But Pollux was adamant about testing it this time, wasn't he? And if anything went wrong on Castor's attempt, his friend could intervene. At least, that's what he'd keep telling himself.]

...That's what I was tryin' to do last time. [A beat.] Sorry for screwing up. I got ahead've myself.


Slowlog~ feathered_earth August 13 2010, 02:10:24 UTC
[oh god epic FailTML there. DX]

[And... the idea of summoning a monster sounds perfectly sensible to Krile too. Quite familiar, in fact.] Huh... I'm not sure why you would need something like that to summon, but you've got to go with your memories.

...and this thing does look just like a handgun. I can't blame you for mixing them up. [Although she wishes he'd done a little more investigating first before going WELP I'LL JUST SHOOT MYSELF YEP YEP.] I'm glad you weren't actually trying to hurt yourself, anyway.


Slowlog~ unevoked August 13 2010, 03:00:02 UTC
[Ahaha, s'cool~ At least it wasn't all HTML INVALID and stuff.]

[He glanced down and shrugged.] ...I dunno if I need it, but it should make it easier. [After all, he had summoned it once, hadn't he? And from what he could remember it had been terrifying and excruciatingly painful. But that may have also been surviving being shot by Arthur.... still, though, it gave him a bad feeling.]

[At least Krile didn't seem to hold it against him.] Not like I'd gain anything from it anyway. [he gave a soft snort. Just forgetting or disappearing for good. Still, that didn't need to be brought up.] In my dream and a few memories we used 'em to shoot ourselves.

[A pause.] Pollux too.


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