Apr. 28th, entry thirteenth

Apr 28, 2010 20:39

I heard about people getting offed for knowing shit, but hell. Never realized there really was any info out there. Guess it's a good reminder to keep our damn heads down. [...he half-wishes he had actually seen the entry, but that might be asking a bit much.]Inara, Sky, you guys need anything, lemme know. Pollux, found a little guy fighting one've ( Read more... )

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ziongaiv April 29 2010, 00:46:06 UTC


unevoked April 29 2010, 00:47:17 UTC
Dog, guy, whatever. It don't got a name or tags or anything.


ziongaiv April 29 2010, 00:48:45 UTC
A guy and a dog are different things. Well with Black Hayate gone, you think Inara would still want a guard dog?

Maybe it'd cheer her up?


unevoked April 29 2010, 00:52:28 UTC
I said little guy. And hell if I know.

...It ain't like a dead goldfish, Pollux.


ziongaiv April 29 2010, 00:54:35 UTC
I don't know, maybe it was a kid. You didn't say.

I didn't mean it like that!


unevoked April 29 2010, 00:56:45 UTC
Why the hell would I bring back a kid?

Ain't about to knock on her door. Figure I'll let her be for a bit.


ziongaiv April 29 2010, 00:58:43 UTC
I don't know, I don't claim to get everything you do. Is he hurt?

Probably for the best. Is Sky with her?


unevoked April 29 2010, 00:59:59 UTC
The hell does that mean? And he might've sprained a paw or something, can't really tell.

How should I know?


ziongaiv April 29 2010, 01:02:44 UTC
Nothing. Well is he limping? That's a good way to tell.

I don't know, you've known her longer. Just wanted to make sure she was okay...


unevoked April 29 2010, 01:06:46 UTC
Whatever. And a bit, which's why I'm bringing him back.

...I dunno. Probably will be eventually.


Quick Log~ ziongaiv April 29 2010, 01:17:51 UTC
[He'd been trying to get his arm to stop hurting, he'd pulled it trying to climb over an especially large pile in the scrap yard. His arm wasn't 100% yet, but he wasn't about to let something like a dislocated shoulder stand in his way of looking for parts of that gun, or running around the sphere. It was too much trouble.

He'd taken Black Hayate with him the last few times, but he always ran off. He got the distinct impression he didn't like Castor and Pollux, which was unfortunate because he really enjoyed having the dog around and he was far more excited about the prospect of having a dog that wouldn't run off than he would ever admit to Castor.]


Quick Log~ unevoked April 29 2010, 01:24:13 UTC
[As much as he liked Black Hayate, there was a certain point when he realized that the dog had absolutely no desire to be around them-- which was a bit disappointing, but he couldn't really blame it. Still, finding the dog fighting a foam-like giant snake in the park had reminded him of the dog in his memory. For. Some reason. And hell, he couldn't say he didn't like having a dog around. They were smart, loyal, and didn't bitch like certain other roommates.

It didn't take long to get back to the Spa, quietly stepping through the halls so as not to disturb the other residents-- they had all known Simon, he was fairly sure, though he had only seen the man in passing, so he'd leave them to their grief. The idea of mourning some other dead guy was a weird one to him. So instead he stepped into the room and set down the scruffy puppy, letting it sniff about the carpet and snuffle on some long-forgotten particles of glitter.]

He's mostly okay, but I didn't wanna just leave him.


ziongaiv April 29 2010, 03:25:57 UTC
[He watched the puppy examine the room, sniffing in corners and under Castor's bed, tail wagging slightly as it limped around the room. It was odd, because the dog really reminded him of Castor, the bedraggled appearance and grumpy expression. It was probably only fitting that Castor found him.

He rolled his shoulder as he watched the animal try to put weight on its foot as it examined the mattress of Castor's bed, as though contemplating jumping up onto it.]

You think there's anything we can do for his foot?


unevoked April 29 2010, 03:33:59 UTC
[He shrugged, moving to sit on the floor as he watched the dog toddle about. At least the faint limp wasn't making it cry, or enough to keep him from walking.]

Dunno. Could give in a bath and look it over. Might've cut his foot or hurt himself running 'round outside. I was thinking we'd just keep an eye on him to see if it clears up, take him over t'Apple if it don't go away.

[It seemed as good a plan as any. After a moment he reached out to grab the gangly dog around it's middle and pull him back to the middle of the room. The last thing he needed was losing it under the bed or something. it seemed content enough, giving a playful yip and going to nose at something else in the room.]

I dunno if we actually have vets here, though.


Ping~ ziongaiv April 30 2010, 04:03:52 UTC
[He nodded. It felt childish being as excited as he was about the unfortunate looking animal, but ever since they had taken Black Hayate in, he really enjoyed having the animal around (when he stayed in the house, anyway). Maybe because it was something he felt like he and Castor could bond over - despite the fact that they had come to a very grave conclusion together about Castor's fate, he still felt somewhat shut out from Castor. As though there were still things he wasn't telling him, and he knew nothing he said could actually change that, it still bothered him.

So perhaps this dog could bridge some of that gap.

He leaned over to scratch the dog's ears. He wasn't exactly a fluffy dog, its patchy grey hair was coarse and wiry, and it had a terrible underbite. But he couldn't help but get attached.]

Well- when he gets better, what's going to happen with him? You think we'll just keep him? Or maybe, leave him with Apple?

[He was trying really hard not to sound really excited.]


unevoked April 30 2010, 04:17:51 UTC
...I thought we could keep him. Not like the other one wants anything t'do with us. [He managed to keep just how much he wanted to keep the dog out of his voice, remaining as calm and unreadable as ever as he watched his roommate play with it. It wasn't really something he wanted to advertise, but he really, really liked dogs-- and this one, as grungy as it looked, seemed to be of a good disposition, and brave as anything, from what he had seen.]

Apple's got enough to look after. Don't see why we can't keep him. [After a moment, his lip curled, a quiet, amused noise escaping him.] 'Sides, I had a dog back home. Be nice to have one here that doesn't run back t'Target every other day.

[....Besides, the dog was absolutely adorable. Not that he would ever say that, of course. He had enough pride to keep him from ever really divulging what he felt ever to anyone. It wasn't like any of it mattered, after all-- things worked out the way they would work out, regardless of personal feeling or opinion.]


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