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Nov 20, 2011 03:42

0. The Fool- Upright
     "The Fool represents a motivation; he is the innocent one who takes a leap of faith to gain wisdom and insight. The Fool steps forth without regard to warning and he is free to make his own choices. The Fool knows there will be consequences to his actions but he steps forth anyway. The Fool reminds us to take heed to the signs of spirit around us and to be on guard."
pimpcoatbankai [Kurosaki Ichigo]
--Toushi seems relatively sane, and they had a decent conversation on the journals. The two men are in the same predicament in Edensphere (Being new, being recognized by others here), and Castor doesn't mind him so much.
RANK II. Upon winning Lin in the bachelor auction, Toushi suggested that Castor take her on some stupid romantic night to embarrass her and piss her off. Castor doesn't like putting that much effort into things, but it's good to know that someone else is just as annoyed with her shit as he is.

0. The Fool- Reversed
     "Ill advised risks, impulsive action, choices and rash decisions. Foolishness, gambling, instability and the wasting or frittering way of creative energy. A bad time for commitments and can be an indication of someone who starts many new things but never finishes them. They may also consistently seek changes in their environment or job."
fakingafool [Tohru Adachi]
--This guy either is good at rolling with the punches and has a good sense of humor, or he's disturbingly creepy. Going from 'you're fucking retarded' to comments that could be light and joking earn him 'okay-guy' points, but... hell, maybe it's just Castor's imagination. He seems decent. Disappeared.

I. The Magician
     "The Magician also represents the wonder associated to something new. The wonder that would be associated to a child when he first goes to an amusement park or perhaps a circus. The Magician encompasses the idea that the world is just ahead of you in all its wonder and excitement. Desire and curiosity now fully encompass the spirit."
Boy [A Dog.]
--Boy is a scruffy, snaggle-toothed Irish Wolfhound puppydog that Castor found fighting a giant "Anaconda" during the SyFy Movie event. Boy has a nasty underbite, looks bedraggled, eternally grumpy, and he absolutely loves it. Boy is also a girl, but neither he nor Pollux were about to check its junk.
--By now, Boy is fully grown into an excitable, huge dog. There's some people she just doesn't seem to like, though, immediately snarling at the smell of them. (Turns out it's supernatural people/things.)
its_me_hooray [Zed]
--Night wants to build a giant snowman. Why? Who the hell knows. He's also very excitable and wants other people to participate. He wanted Castor to build the igloo or dig the moat.

II. The High Priestess- Upright
     "The idea here is to listen to what your heart is telling you and follow those instincts. The High Priestess challenges us to listen to our emotions as they usually lead us in the right direction. The High Priestess does not always react to what is on the surface as she knows that something lies deeper within the depths."
enchainement [River Tam]
--Qǐ was upset about.. something or another, Castor really doesn't know, and posted on the journal about how unnatural and barren Edensphere was- No babies born, no bodies to bury, no growing old, et cetera. She accused everyone of growing complacent. When Castor challenged her to tell him what they would gain, she told him that he would gain nothing, as he already knew of his death and didn't care. Turns out she can skim thoughts and read minds. Whoops.
falselogistics [River Tam]
--Upon opening his journal for the first time, Castor found her first entry. It didn't make such a good impression. He's chronically confused by the associations her mind makes, and assumes she's just a loony bint. Disappeared.
kochsnow_flake [Fred Burkle]
--Another loony bint. This girl drew a picture of a dinosaur demanding tacos, and then proceeded to spout of some garbled mess of mathematics, repetition, and how intent changes everything. She's definitely... on some train of thought, even if Castor can't follow along. Besides, he knows that intentions mean absolutely nothing. Disappeared.

II. The High Priestess- Reversed
     " In a reversed position the High Priestess represents over-reliance on others thoughts and opinions. It signifies the inability to act instinctually or come to a conclusion on your own. Reversed the High Priestess depicts a person with self-doubt and one who refuses to act according to their own better judgment."
datswhatshesaid [Michael Scott]
--What the hell is this guy even. He's annoying, he's stupid, he's crazy, and he seems to altogether lack any sort of sensibility. He tries to be the Better Business Bureau of the Sphere, and fails miserably, and doesn't seem to understand why people don't like him running into a clothing store, demanding cake, and threatening to burn it down if he doesn't get any. Castor thinks he's nuts. Disappeared.

III. The Empress
     "The Empress represents the emergence of the female archetype within. She suggests using care and love to solve a problem rather then brute force. The Empress shows that raising and nurturing is extremely important in setting a solid structure of support for any situation. The Empress does not demand action but suggests the correct path with subtle nudges and hints from her gentle nature."
moe_rapier [Layer] (Pings for Aigis)
--Locket's some kind of robot with an uncharacteristically big heart-- For robots, at least. The fact that she feels and cooks and shows concern for others outside of basic functioning is a little weird, but he doesn't mind it. She explained that she found children cute and was fascinated by the idea of 'growing up' during the age regression event.
weaver_girl [Inoue Orihime]
--A friend of Pollux's that comes over to play with their dog, Boy. She and Castor have only spoken a few times, but she was still kind enough to come over after Cloud's death with tea, cookies, and time to waste sitting on the porch and shooting the shit, as though nothing was wrong. Castor thinks she's entirely too nice, and therefore is a little bit awkward around her. He's not used to that level of kindness.

IV. The Emperor- Upright
     "The Emperor uses direct analytical thinking when dealing with the different situations around him. He does not rely on the emotional and nurturing aspect of the Empress as he feels there is a time and a place for emotions to be displayed. The Emperor represents a father figure that gives just and honorable advice and will help you to help yourself."
ziongaiv [Akihiko Sanada]
--That fucker that punched him. They're name twins (sort of), and Castor recognizes him as the guy from his dream- they had made a pact to do what they thought was right. Then the fucker punched him. What the hell, man? In Edensphere he seems a little less prone to it, bitching about the cold and being confused instead. Castor offered him a floor to sleep on for a bit.
RANK II. Pollux thinks shooting yourself sounds like a great idea! They also have way more in common that Castor initially thought- he's pretty sure he used to be pretty close with this guy, but doesn't know how or why. He knows Pollux is the guy from his dream, but he has no idea what that means. He likes Pollux's company, though(probably one of the only people he'll tolerate that much), but he'll probably never admit it because Lin will call him gay again.
RANK III. Half because of a bet, half just dicking around, Castor and Pollux got into a friendly fistfight. Castor was pretty confident he'd win, because Pollux is a stick, but it turns out that his friend has some damn good skill when it comes to trading blows. He also found out that Pollux thinks Castor dislikes him, which is pretty far from true. He needs to work on not sucking with people.
RANK IV. Castor found a memory crystal and offered to share whatever he learned from it with Pollux. Unfortunately the memory involved him taking two gunshot wounds. He couldn't see or hear anything in the memory so he has no context- but based on the wounds and the scars, he's sure he didn't survive, and Pollux must have reached the same conclusion as himself. It makes him want to distance himself from the other man more-- even more than he did after accidentally fucking up Pollux's arm.
RANK V. Between living with one another for so long, putting together clue from their home, and Pollux getting a memory of his littler sister-- or more specifically, of her burning to death, Castor and Pollux have grown into fairly close friends. Despite Castor's urge to isolate himself and shove others away, he can't help but be at least faintly concerned for his bro. Disappeared in an instant, leaving Castor more than a little angry and confused.
therealplan [Ribbons Almark]
--Seems like an alright guy, just Talky. His words are kind of emotionally detached on the journals, but Castor figures he has to care a little bit to offer help and the like. Thinks he's an okay guy. Disappeared.
madeofswords [Archer]
--Lives down the hall in the spa. Someone is sneaking disappearing swords into his bed, which is kind of weird, but whatever. Trigger's dealing with it like a champ, so all the more power to him.
RANK II. Trigger invited all the little kidlets to come eat the the restaurant during the age regression event, and asked for Castor to stop by. Despite claiming to hate children, Trigger seemed to have an almost-fondness for them. Disappeared

V. The Hierophant- Upright
     "He represents someone who is spiritual or philosophical in nature and one in search of higher truths. The Hierophant also represents tradition in that he finds comfort and value in the new by relating it to the old tried and true ways of life. The Hierophant depicts someone who is able to see through the superficial and get straight to the heart of the matter."
sixthsinner [Nicholas D. Wolfwood]
--Chapel refers to himself as a Man of the Cloth-- or so his memories tell him. He's cool, and pretty lax for a priest-- could make for a good drinking/smoking buddy. Disappeared.

V. The Hierophant- Reversed
     "Untruths, half-truths, and everything but the whole truth. Information is kept from you and what you hear is distorted. Others may politic against you for their own ends. As the upright meanings of The Hierophant brings freedom, here misinformation causes restriction and upset. Treat what you hear from others with due skepticism."
unevoked [Aragaki Shinjiro]
-Partial Name recovery: "Shinji"
     He isn't partial to using part of his true name in Edensphere. As a nickname, it's a rather personal way of addressing him, and he likes to avoid that sort of closeness with people-- not to mention he knows himself to be dead back home. "Shinji"'s dead to all the people who know him, so what's the point in using the name?
-Persona skill recovery:
     Regeneration 2: Castor regenerates 10% of his HP every "turn"-- that is to say, in Edensphere minor wounds heal fairly quickly in short bursts every 10/15 seconds or so. This only works when conscious, and he doesn't want to est out more severe injuries. Passive Skill.
     High Counter: When sparring with Lin, Castor found that every few hits would rebound back against her with no damage to him. The rate is technically 50% of all physical attacks, but that is unknown in the Sphere. Passive Skill.
     Fatal End: When his Persona broke free (See below), this was the skill used as the monster momentarily rampaged. It can only be used when actively summoning the persona. After using it, Castor felt as though he had been punched in the chest as it devours his own health to use.
-Accidental Summon
     Castor was shot in the head by Arthur and survived, due to a temporary healing factor. The trauma, shock, and stress of the event caused his Persona to break out of his control and smash parts of the shooting range on melee using the Fatal End skill. He knows he isn't supposed to be able to summon it in such a way, and the fact that he couldn't control it terrifies him.

VII. The Chariot- Upright
     "The Chariot card represents the need to take control of ones actions to rise above the conflicts in ones life. It alerts us of the need to draw energy not only from our material resources but from within as well. The Chariot reminds us that we must have balanced energy in order to reap the rewards of all that life has given us. Focus and awareness is necessary in order to make the most out of the situation."
desig_survivor [Wedge Antilles]
--When the elevator again began taking people to visit the mysterious fourth floor, one of the people Castor was stuck with. He seems uptight, militaristic, and accidentally introduced himself as "Rogue Leader" before correcting himself, giving Castor ammo to pick at him with. Leader's memory was shown first on the fourth floor, showing him to be a bit of a dick to some girl, talking happily about how her organs would explode if she fucked up and got hit by a laser. Weird guy. Out in a blaze of glory.

VIII. Strength- Upright
     "Having strength means becoming aware of the problem and doing what one can in order to resolve the situation. Courage, conviction, faith, and honesty all describe the true definition of what strength represents."
originofgood [Amaterasu] (Pings for Koromaru)
--Met within a day of arrival- Furball is an exceedingly intelligent and intuitive dog, and Castor appreciates her quiet, doggy company. Something about the smart white dog hanging out with him is extraordinarily familiar. Disappeared.

IX. The Hermit- Upright
     "The Hermit represents the need to slow down and absorb more of a peaceful and quite life. The Hermit does not just experience life but he uses that experience to understand why things are the way they are. The Hermit is about learning of the self and the motivations behind his own personal actions and thinking. The Hermit represents a more meditative state of mind one in which focus of ones purpose is of central importance. The Hermit is more self-centered so he can become more aware of any negative patterns or cycles he is repeating in hopes of alleviating them for the good of everyone."
iattractmushi [Ginko]
--Pollux's 'brother' by nature of the Sphere, the two were born together. Castor really feels no obligation to the guy, but he met him when he and Pollux were down chilling by a fire in the Scavenger's yard. Cloud seems like an okay guy- Quiet and slightly apathetic the same as him.
RANK II. Cloud was invited to stay with Castor and Pollux twice- the first in Disney World, when neither he nor Castor could smoke without being teleported off, and the second after Zombie's rampage in the bazaar, when Cloud broke his ribs. He was a good house guest, and informed Castor that Boy is actually a girl.
RANK III. During the master/Apprentice event, Cloud and Castor were both put in Arthur's care-- and had no one else to rely on when the deranged man started stabbing, shooting, and beating them as 'training'. Cloud saw Castor get shot in the head and his Persona break free, and Castor watched as Cloud was stabbed in the gut. They immediately headed to the bar with Pollux after the event to cope with the mental trauma.
RANK IV. Cloud confronted Castor roughly a month after the Masters/Apprentices event to ask him about his Persona, pressing for answers- What was it, where did it come from, why did it appear and smash shit up. Castor was... less than willing to talk about it, really. He got the opportunity to ask questions back, though, upon witnessing one of Cloud's memories- one dealing with mushi that eat memories. Needless to say, this has piqued Castor's interest.

IX. The Hermit- Reversed
     "In a reversed position the Hermit represents being overly stagnant or a refusal to accept change. The Hermit reversed signifies a person who refuses to look beyond the past, address their present situations, or anticipate a better future."
sting_to_death sting_to_death [Soi Fong] (Pings for Kirijo Mitsuru)
--Very opinionated woman who drew a big ass picture of a cat. Castor thinks she's interesting in her own way, but has a bunch of problems she needs to let go of. The way she gets defensive over everything kind of makes him facepalm, but he doesn't mind so much.
RANK II. Through excessive stalking, Lin and Castor know each other's names. She's also called him out on being an addict, and claimed that whatever he was running from couldn't possibly be here. Something about that jostled him, and now he wants to know just what it is he was escaping.
RANK III. Lin and Castor finally hung out in person, and it went surprisingly well. She showed off her super shinigami stuff and it confused the fuck out of Castor, who shortly thereafter killed himself. (On accident. And the two weren't related.) Upon return, Lin expressed that he should have told her first. Castor's torn on this- There's the opportunity for a friend, but he's not comfortable getting close to people-- but at the same time, he doesn't know why he's uncomfortable with it.
RANK IV. Lin was incredibly open... while speaking Italian while the language geas was on the fritz, rending her incomprehensible. This was shortly after Castor finally gave into her demands and gave her a pet scorpion, half to spite her, half to make her shut up, and half thinking she might actually like it. When words worked again, Castor read back through their conversation, surprised at how accurately she described him. Despite how much they bitch and distance themselves, they've got a weird sort of mutual understanding going on.
-Link Reversed: After the geas event, Castor admitted that he read Lin's writings. She stopped speaking to him after this, offended that he would do such a thing. Because she's a crazy bitch.
-Reversal fixed: After over a month of being grumpy with him, Lin finally contacts Castor again, setting down a challenge: She says there's no way he could get into the guard, and he wants to prove her wrong-- and maybe prove to himself that he still has some worth.
RANK V. Lin is as confusing as always- she's a bitch, angry, and constantly trying to step on Castor's pride. And usually does well at it, like when she had to help him out of a crystal during the Damsels in Distress event. the fact that he was dressed as a Princess at the time didn't help. While he feels he's one-upped in in his joining of the guard, she's slowly starting to wear on his nerves-- and more so than usual.
RANK VI. For her in-Sphere "birthday", Castor decided to get Lin a small gift, half because he was sure no one else would, and half because... well, she's kind of a friend by now. Days later, after Pollux's disappearance, she arrived at the Spa to check in and make sure he hadn't hung himself or something, bringing a bottle of sake (despite her disdain for liquor.) After a full year in the Sphere, the two exchanged true names, though both continue to use their chosen ones instead.
-Link Reversed: And this time it wasn't Castor's fault. A Bachelor Auction went up again, though Castor was stuck on the fourth floor for the duration of the event. Because of this, he didn't bid on Lin. Lin also lost her bid on Castor to Kagerou at the last moment. As he's going on a date with Kagerou instead of her, she claims to never want to see him again, ever. Castor thinks she's being ridiculous, but he understands her reasoning-- But that doesn't mean he's going to apologize because, fuck, really?

X. The Wheel of Fortune-Upright
     "The Wheel offers everyone success and eventual release, but it is the acceptance of change the wheel offers that most find hard to accept. While the wheel always offers us another chance to make things right there comes a time when one must let go."
inthecenterfold [Sha Gojyo]
--Owner of some bar that's not rebuilt yet. Recognized Castor as having been there before, and seemed to be a relatively welcoming hand. Didn't sugar coat things about the sphere, but wasn't withholding in information either. Seems to be a reliable enough person to go to with questions. Disappeared. ETA: Actually he came back.
RANK II. Smoke came to Edensphere and seemed no worse for wear-- still a mellow guy and all that. But he's definitely attracted Castor's curiosity with the dying, staying dead for months, and coming back perfectly fine. There's something to look into there.
smokesordie [Badou Nails]
--Eyepatch hired him on at the Butcher's, and seems to be a pretty chill guy. He and Castor don't talk much on the journals, but they work together. Eyepatch has gained Castor's respect in that he's laid back and seems to be the intuitive sort. When he's not flailing. Disappeared.

XII. The Hanged Man- Upright
     "The Hanged Man represents looking at things from a new perspective or from a different point of view. Although the Hanged Man represents a view from a different perspective it represents only a catalyst for change rather then a change from tradition itself. The Hanged Man symbolizes the revelation that life is different depending on whichever way you choose to look at it."
buchnananneket [Deadpool]
--It's hard to tell if this guy's retarded, crazy, both, or neither. He seemed way too invested in and eager about hangman, and would guess stupid letters, but with reasoning that made sense behind each one. He also seemed very attached to the idea of making a friend. Which is weird. But you know, whatever.
-Link Reversed: Arthur beat Castor with a piece of wood and shot him in the skull. There's not a whole lot he can ever do to fix that. Disappeared.

XII. The Hanged Man- Reversed
     "In a reversed position the Hanged Man represents seeing things from a narrow or limited perspective. It suggests a stubborn, unwillingness to change, or a refusal to understand other people’s point’s of view. The Hanged Man reversed signifies a hanging on to an egotistical existence instead of encompassing a “oneness” with others.
fewterer [Haine Rammsteiner]
--The owner of the Butcher's and Castor's new boss. Informed him that he better not be scared of guns, and better get good at smoking and pissing at the same time. Castor thinks that he can do both of these things.
RANK II. Zombie told Castor "You don't hate people. You think they're annoying and stupid, but you don't hate them." The fact that Zombie could punch right through his defenses and constantly shoving people away bothered him, but at the same time, he had a point. Oh, and Zombie threatened to tear out his jaw.
RANK III. Upon returning from the elevator, Zombie flipped his shit and shot up half the damn bazaar. A number of people died, Inara was shot, Cloud was injured, and Pollux discovered he could heal people. Castor has no idea what to think about this. Zombie was his employer, and these actions just don't fit. He's shamelessly violent, yeah, but he's also controlled. Despite the horrific actions, despite how many people died and were wounded, Castor's suspicious. He doesn't think Zombie's fully at fault, though he does pay more attention to him on the journals now. Despite not fully blaming him, he is glad that Zombie is being subjected to the legal system. Because dude that was not cool. Disappeared.

XV. The Devil
     "The Devil card represents exploring the physical world and indulging in life's physical pleasures. The Devil card suggests both the possibilities and limitations of the physical and ultimately leads one to a change into the spiritual. Without knowledge and understanding of the physical, one could never find the experience needed to make a transformation into a higher spiritual awareness."
hisbutler_bound [Sebastian Michaelis]
--Another person that was taken by the elevator to the fourth floor to view a memory. Black works at the bakery and seems quite politely indifferent on the outside, though in the elevator there was obvious tension between himself and Rogue. He was also the first to suggest cannibalism if they were stuck there too long (As a joke, of course.) When his memory was shown, it involved him manipulating a woman into sex for information, using the pleasures of the body to win her over. It was a little uncomfortable to see, but Black seemed to be ashamed of itm so hey. At least there's that.

XVI. The Tower- Reversed
     "Reversed this card represents the continual building of false pretenses and succumbing to ones own self illusions. The Tower reversed suggests unrealistic goals and dreams, and tricking oneself into believing that nothing is wrong and that no change is necessary."

XVII. The Star- Upright
     "It represents regeneration and renewal of all the good that life has to offer. The Star also represents the limitless possibilities that life has to offer, from our childish wishes to the high ideals we hold as adults. The Star is the guiding light we have been wishing on all of our lives in hopes of a better tomorrow."
feathered_earth [Krile Maia Baldesion] (Pings for Miki Sanada)
--Cara told him to drink Hot Chocolate from the sky, assured him rainwater is pure (Which he's pretty sure isn't,) and seemed bright and friendly despite his harsh demeanor and way of saying things, and even drew him a smiley face. He thinks she's okay-- Like a friends little sister, or something.
RANK II. Cara owns the weapons shop, so Castor went to her for help in finding a gun-- which he then shot himself with. Upon his return, she expressed her concern, telling him that he shouldn't hurt himself, and she's not selling him more guns. He... doesn't feel good about her finding out about that. Like he let her down or something.
spandexisyouth [Maito Gai]
--Youth is kind of a crazed retard, and Castor first encountered him proclaiming that the mysterious words never lied! Attempts to joke with/troll him ended poorly. Youth forgave him and claimed that they should be friends so that Castor's life is less empty. What the Hell, man.
iliekswords [Emperor Peony Upala Malkuth IX]
--This guy declared every Wednesday no-pants day-- and wanted Castor to invite him over for dinner, which is a no. He doesn't cook for people. It's like a rule. Still, his Jade guy seems pretty chill, and Castor wouldn't mind getting to know him better. Disappeared.

XVIII. The Moon- Upright
     "The Moon reinforces that life refreshes and rejuvenates through the use of cycles and the more we attune to nature the more prosperous we can become."
galacticgeisha [Inara/Companion]
--Inara invited new residents to come live at the Spa, and Castor jumped right upon that. She seems okay- He sees her as older and less passionate in the manly sense, but more passionate in nurturing and caring about the other people in the sphere- something he's not really used to.
RANK II. He jokes with Inara about the 'brothel' thing, but at the same time, with how much her employees seem to be harassed there's a problem. He's half tempted to offer to break some hands and fix the problem. Inara's sort of in a weird "benefactor and acquaintance, but not friend, nevertheless you might find yourself protected" area. Dissapeared.

Page of Swords
     "The Page of Swords is very frank and quite direct and sometimes this can cause quite a stir in others. The Page generally represents an intelligent person with an overly aggressive attitude. It is an attitude that needs to be tempered with genuine wisdom before acting out."
kisameisafish [Hoshigaki Kisame]
--Samehada is is just the kind of cynical asshole that Castor can appreciate. He has polite words and a nice, dry sense of humor, and doesn't seem to be afraid to let his feelings known, if not directly. He's got an affinity for big swords and wandering around in some weird-ass woods for whatever the fuck reason. Castor appreciates his disposition, but still gets a vibe that says talking is fine, but he should be a bit more cautious when he sees him in person.

Queen of Swords
     "This intelligent, gifted woman is protective of those around her. Quick to praise and challenge, her wit is amazing, as are her inventiveness and grace. She represents a firm ally, although ultimately there is a need to put her own interests first."
felinemystique [Shihouin Yoruichi]
--Captain of the guard, and Lin's object of fascination. Castor had only heard of her for some time as 'The Captain of the Guard', but finally tried to contact her once challenged by Lin to try and join the ranks. She seems to have a good enough sense of humor (joking along about 'cutting bitches') and was fair enough to grant him an interview and, if it was worth her time, a spar.

Feel free to post here with any notes, questions, whatev.

!!relationships, !!ooc

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