[Memory Broadcast]

Jan 29, 2011 13:19

[The radio clicks on, beginning to broadcast a young boy speaking. His voice his hgh-pitched, clearly prepubescent, but it's impossible to miss the sheer emotion in his tone: There's a lot of anger there.]

--That was the day my mom died here. They called it an accident.... but it wasn't. I saw the whole thing... [The boy suddenly seems to have a focus for his anger, growing accusatory] You murdered her!!

[A silence, and then the young boy continues.] Since then, it's been one bad thing after another, and all I get from people is sympathy, no matter where I go.

What's the point in living...? [A pause, and he grows quieter.] I even thought about killing myself, but mom wouldn't have wanted that. [But he quickly regains his direction, rounding upon the listener.] That's why I decided that I had to find her killer-You!

You said once you wanted to forget what happened on that day! So when I found out it was a full moon today, I knew I had to confront you. Today, mom is watching over me.

[Aggressively, and with no small amount of determination:] I'll make you remember what you did to her! I'm gonna kill you!!

[There's a pause, before Castor finally responds to the boy.] Do it. [Another moment pause and footsteps can be heard as he approaches the young boy, repeating himself far more forcefully.]

Do it!

[And with that, the radio memory ends. There's a long pause before the actual Castor can be heard letting out a "...Huh." in response.]

shining beacon of sensitivity, radio transmissions, !!memory, suicide

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