Dec. 11th, entry twenty

Dec 11, 2010 13:27

[Okay, so maybe he should had relocated to the Wilderness sooner. That would have been intelligent, instead of growing cocky with how easy the zombies were to dispatch and keep out. It had worked fine for half the week, and now here he was, in a dark, back room, listening to one of the monsters eat something outside and praying to whatever gods were in Edensphere that it didn't notice him. He could fight, sure, and he'd trust himself to be able to escape, despite the recent lack of sleep. But he wasn't as powerful as a lot of the other people in the Sphere.

Goddamn, this was a stupid situation he had gotten himself into.

At least Boy remained quiet, hunched in the corner next to him. If she had taken to barking at the zombies, happily trying to attack them like she had earlier on, the little safehouse wouldn't have worked so well for short naps and breaks from attempts to fight his way to the access point. No, as long as he remained quiet, it would be fine.

Until, of course, there were distinctive, heavy thuds from the other side of the door. Footsteps, obviously, but he didn't know anyone nearly that large or heavy. Or that rasped when the breathed. He shot up to his feet quietly, watching the door. It was locked, though, and while a zombie or two scrabbling at it wasn't uncommon, they always went away. That would--

With a metallic snap the knob rotated forcefully, the lock snapping and the door swinging in. Castor barely noted the trenchcoat, scarred face, and the hissing rasp of "Staaaarrrrrsssss..." before he had grabbed his bag and his dog and was halfway out the goddamn window. He would take his chances with the fast but stupid ones any day. The plan would have been great, getting Boy to leap out and start running, making a break for it himself, if the creature hadn't followed almost as swiftly.]

[The words are scribbled hastily, nearly incoherent, but there's an obvious panic behind them.]
big one on wellspring

it can open fucking doors

[Castor will pretty much be booking it to the elevator-- I don't have any specific plans for him or Nemesis, though! o/ ]

useful entry, hobos are awesome

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