Aug 02, 2010 20:26
This journal has finally gone to friends only. All fandom-related entries will be kept public. If you'd like to be added, please leave a comment and I'll friend you. I don't have any requirements to make it to my flist--no minimal number of interests or a certain amount of LJ entries. Though silly hats, I'm afraid, are absolutely required. This is a non-negotiable stipulation. Anyone who wants privy to my day-to-day madness is welcome to it.
However, I have made a ~special~ filter for those closest to me for the truly personal entries. Yes, this includes bitching about politics, discussions of sex (or lack thereof), family life, and anything else not generally discussed in public company. If you absolutely do not want to be on this filter, drop me a comment or message and I'll make sure to keep your name far away from TMI-land.
friends only