I've picked some crazy songs that deal with things like chocolate, Batman, and Canada a.k.a. some of Kelly's favorite things.
Included are quotes from
TheOCInsider.com and magazine interviews with Kelly Rowan.
What’s your guilty pleasure?
Of course, there’s chocolate. I mean, Italian chocolate is just… beyond.
You're the only thing that I love
Scares me more every day
On my knees I think clearer
Goodness knows I saw it coming
Or at least I'll claim I did
But in truth I'm lost for words
1. Chocolate by Snow Patrol :
download What is your all-time favorite move?
I love Sophie’s Choice.
2. I’ll Never Leave You by Marvin Hamlisch :
download This song represents how fans will often put up with anything their favorite celebrities do and still love them. Kelly could possibly kill a man and I would still adore her. ... (What does that say about me?)
You mean the world to be but you'll never know
You could be cruel to me
While we're risking the way that I see you
3. I See You by Mika :
download What was your favorite TV show growing up?
I love Charlotte’s Web. Actually that’s not really a TV show but… It was just fantastic.
A fair is a veritable smorgasbord orgasbord orgasbord
After the crowds have ceased
Each night when the lights go out
It can be found on the ground all around
Oh, what a ratly feast!
4. A Veritable Smorgasbord from the animated movie, Charlotte’s Web (1973) :
download She's married now, or engaged, or somethin', so I'm told
Is she really going out with him?
Is she really gonna take him home tonight?
Is she really going out with him?
'Cause if my eyes don't deceive me
There's somethin' goin' wrong around here
5. Is She Really Going Out with Him? - Goldfinger :
download Favorite Music : Zero 7
Everyone's saying different things to me
Different things to me
6. In The Waiting Line - Zero 7 :
download Batman or Superman?
That’s a tough one to answer. They’re both good, right? Batman’s a little mysterious driving around in the Batmobile, right?
7. Batman - The Who :
download What’s in your car stereo?
Diana Krall Live in Paris. Really great jazz. Really fantastic.
I drew a map of Canada
Oh Canada
With your face sketched on it twice
Oh, you're in my blood like holy wine
You taste so bitter and so sweet
Oh I could drink a case of you, darling
8. A Case of You - Diana Krall :
download Favorite Music : David Gray
Now you saw it coming
And I saw it coming
We all saw it coming
But we still bought it
9. Full Steam - David Gray ft. Annie Lennox :
download “Canada is just a gentler existence.” - NUVO Magazine
You’ll miss me when I’m gone
But the happy music will carry on
10. Canadian Girl - The Walkmen :
download “I’ve been living in the U.S. for a long time and I love living there, but I guess I miss Canada because it’s still home.” - Glow Magazine
O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
11. O’ Canada - Celine Dion (French and English version) :
download “We just finished the last episode, so there’s been some 15-hour days.” - Women’s Health and Fitness Magazine
Tumble outta bed and I stumble to the kitchen
Pour myself a cup of ambition
And yawn and stretch and try to come to life
Jump in the shower and the blood starts pumpin'
Out on the street the traffic starts jumpin'
12. 9 to 5 - Dolly Parton :
download “I love Canada and I miss it.” - Toronto Fashion Magazine
Have you ever heard a maple creak?
Betcha never seen a mountain peak.
In the land of the big snowball.
In Canada, we get to see them all.
13. C-A-N-A-D-A - Raffi :