Mark/Eduardo, a snippet

Dec 26, 2010 22:50

Haha I wrote some stuff for seasonstocking, this one was for pendules. Just wanted to record it here.

Pairing: Mark/Eduardo
Rating: G
Word Count: 180

Mark was alone. He had told them he would join the party later; there was some coding that needed to be finished, especially after Eduardo. His face burned in Mark’s mind, his anguished expression, his anger. Mark had never seen Wardo that angry. He sighed, rubbing his eyes, feeling a headache coming on.

His phone rang suddenly; Mark picked up immediately. He released his breath slowly as Sean spoke rapidly over the phone; he took a brief moment to realize that he had been holding it. A small part of him had hoped for Eduardo, wanted to apologize (but what would he say, anyway, he was no good with words.)

The reality of the situation kicked in slowly - the press, Sean Parker, doing drugs again, what it meant for Facebook, Eduardo. Eduardo being right. Eduardo always being right. “You believe me,” Sean said, almost pleading. Mark closed his eyes. Mark didn’t believe.

“We don’t need him,” Eduardo had said.

Mark suddenly realized he didn’t need Sean as much as he thought he did. He needed Eduardo.

But Eduardo was gone.

movies: tsn, rating: g

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