Gone Domestic, Robin van Persie/Cesc Fabregas, PG-13

Dec 17, 2007 22:02

Title: Gone Domestic
Pairing: Robin van Persie/Cesc Fabregas
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Everything is not mine! I didn't even write this! hahaha.
A/N: for rhetoricwords. This fic doesn't live up to her awesomeness. Okay, truthfully, it's pretty awful >.< I did my best in anycase, my muses aren't working too well. Shaqueel is a guest star, and well. Here is the end product and I hope you like!

"Hi!!" Cesc bursts through the open door and greets Bouchra with an energy that could generate enough light to last a week. Bouchra chatters away merrily to Cesc (in particular, the latest episode of Desperate Housewives) as she leads him inside and when Cesc spots her husband behind her, he exclaims - "Robin! You're standing without a big ugly cast on your leg!" Robin steps back to avoid being attacked but winds up being hugged anyway and Bouchra just laughs.

"You boys behave okay?" Robin kisses Bouchra on the cheek before turning to Cesc as she leaves.
"What's in all these bags?" Robin asks. Cesc is holding at least six and Robin takes some of them towards the kitchen, Cesc following behind him.
"Funny you should ask," Cesc is practically bouncing on his feet.
"Where's Shaqueel? Uncle Cesc is here!"
Cesc finds the toddler sitting on the floor watching tv.
"Awww, Robin! He's so cute! Can I keep him?"
"What?! Um, no."
"It's a line from Heroes."
"...You watch far too much television, Cesc!"
"Hello!! Look at your son!"


Shaqueel sits on the toddler seat at the kitchen table, in between Robin and Cesc.
Queen, King, 10, 10 - SNAP!
"Ha!!! I got that!" Cesc quickly shoves the cards in Robin's direction, who is scowling.
Shaqueel pokes Robin with a chubby finger.
"What is it, baby?" Robin asks. Cesc falls silent and watches them both.
Shaqueel reaches out for Robin's hand. Robin opens up his hand in front of Shaqueel. Shaqueel stretches further. When Robin picks up a card, Shaqueel claps his hands.
Robin gives him the card and Shaqueel bursts into giggles. Robin smiles at him.

"You two are SO CUTE!!!! Robin!! I'm going to make a horrible dad!"
"What? Cesc you have years to think about it."
"Dude you're like, only 3 years older than me!" Cesc throws his hands in the air dramatically.
Shaqueel looks at him and chuckles as he throws his card at Cesc.
"Hey!" Cesc throws one straight back.
"Oh my God Cesc that's my kid you're throwing cards to!"
"He started it!"
"He'll get paper cuts!" Robin throws his cards at Cesc.
"Oi! Why you-"
Shaqueel simply watches as the cards fly, clapping his hands excitedly.


"I won SNAP."
"Yes, well," Robin mumbles. There are more cards on the floor than on the kitchen table.
"Fifty-two pickup?"
There is a pause, before both of them fall off their chairs and disappear from Shaqueel's sight.
The toddler giggles and puts the corner of his card into his mouth.


"Hi Shaqueel, I'm Uncle Cesc."
Shaqueel stares at Cesc incredulously.
"Do you eat pasta, Shaqueel?"
"Cesc! Yes he does. Are these it?" Robin pulls a packet of pasta from one of Cesc's shopping bags.
"What did you think they were, Robin? Sea shells?"


"Comeon, try some, it's good."
"It doesn't look too good."
"So I left it a bit long. They're just a little bit more mushy." Cesc waved the spoon in front of Robin.
"It looks a lot more mushy."
"Do you want me to give it to Shaqueel without you testing it first? Comeon it's really good!"
He looks at Cesc, with his big pleading eyes and his pout. Robin rolls his eyes, and takes a mouthful from the spoon.
Cesc bounces on the spot.
"It's not actually too bad."
Cesc laughs, handing the spoon to Robin, who licks it clean.
"I'll let it cool down a bit and then we can eat. Could you get some dishes and get out of that apron? Even if I think your ass looks great in it, I think it'd be cleaner."
Robin takes off the apron and smacks Cesc lightly with it.
"Your ass looks damn fine in your apron too!"
"I can't believe we have an apron kink," Cesc mutters to himself as Robin fusses over Shaqueel in his toddler chair.


"Comeon, Shaq, eat up. Uncle Cesc made it." Cesc hovers his spoon in front of Shaqueel's face. The toddler simply looks back at him and then looks down at his plate.
"Ugh, Robin, your son is exactly like you!" Cesc sighs, spoon falling onto the table with a loud clunk.
"Get him to have his first bite then! Here." Robin cleans off the spoon, scoops another bit from Shaqueel's bowl and hovers it in front of Shaqueel's face. He turns the spoon around and eats from it.
"What? Robin that's Shaqueel's-"
but Robin's already hovering another spoonful of pasta towards Shaqueel and Shaqueel opens his mouth to swallow it. The room is completely still whilst Shaqueel blinks his big brown eyes, then smiles and begins to bounce on his seat happily. Robin grins and scoops another scoop towards Shaqueel, who opens his mouth readily and swallows the scoop again.

Cesc bangs his head on the table, groaning.
"I'm going to make a terrrrrrible father."
Robin let's Shaqueel spoon his own meal whilst spending the rest of dinner reassuring Cesc that he's going to be just fine.


"Oh my God my hair! Robin!!!"
"Is it still hot?"
"No, it's disgusting!"
"Go right ahead then." *food starts flying*
"Just leave me out of-"
"-oh okay. FOOD FIGHT!"


"At least most of it is on the table?"
"I think it's more on us, Cesc."
Cesc sighs.
"I guess we should have worn aprons to dinner, then."
Robin just laughs.


"Your clothes are in the wash, the cleaning is all done, and Shaqueel's in bed."
Cesc smiles, looking tiny in Robin's old clothes. "Thanks." Robin walks towards him, placing his hands on Cesc's shoulders.
"We have time to ourselves," he whispers, kissing Cesc on the forehead.
Cesc laughs softly, "Robin you're kid is in the other room."
Robin shrugs. "Want you, Uncle Cesc."
"Oh, right, yep. You're paying for that."
Cesc kisses Robin hard, roughly pushing him against the nearest wall. Robin groans loudly and guides Cesc (whose hands are fumbling with Robin's belt) towards the couch. Cesc is slightly disorientated when they fall backward with a thud, lips swollen and panting as Robin attacks his neck with teeth and tongue.
"Thank God, Robin, I thought you might have gone all domestic on me."
Robin shuts him up with a kiss.

footballer: cesc fabregas, footballer: robin van persie, rating: pg+

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