50 sentences; Tomas Rosicky/Alex Hleb, PG

Nov 20, 2006 20:16

Title: 50 sentences on Tomas and Alex
Pairing: Tomas Rosicky/Alexander Hleb
Rating: low-PG
Disclaimer: I don't own these people =)
A/N: It's my first 50sentence, so I hope everybody enjoys. from 1sentence. Oh yea, there's basically enough semicolons and colons and hyphens and commas to classify some of these as supposed-to-be-three-sentences!...AND it's pretty much all fluff, so you have been warned.

1. Air:
Alex could feel immediately the vibe, the faint tingle, when their eyes met for the first time and the newcomer says, calmly and in a soft accent,
"Hello, I'm Tomas".

2. Apples:
"Oh, I love apples," Tomas exclaimed excitedly, reaching over to grab one from the basket, white teeth happily sinking into the juicy fruit - amusing Alex to no end.

3. Beginning:
Alex gave Tomas a pat on the back and a smile before every lineup at the start of a game, and Tomas was starting to get the feeling that the nervous butterflies in his stomach may not die without them.

4. Bugs:
"Maybe you should put some cream on it," suggested Tomas to Alex, who was scratching awkwardly at a bite on his neck - Tomas was quite happy to rub it in for Alex if he asked.

5. Coffee:
"How did you know I liked coffee over tea?" Alex asked Tomas incredulously, who just shrugged and smiled over the rim of his own mug.

6. Dark:
It only took three kisses for Tomas to realise they were no longer fumbling in the dark; their lips locked again and they suddenly fit together like adjacent puzzle pieces, and the realisation made Tomas want to sing.

7. Despair:
"I want this so much but we can't do this, Alex, we can't," Tomas whispered, and Alex took Tomas' face in his hands - "We can, Tomas. Just tell me you want it enough," - and Tomas said he did.

8. Doors:
"I want you to have this," said Tomas, pressing a key into Alex's palm.

9. Drinks:
No one on the Arsenal team found it strange when two of their central midfielders turn down the occasional round of drinks after practice, anymore.

10. Duty:
Alex's phone beeped ten minutes after dropping Tomas off at the airport for a flight to the Czech Republic; the text read I miss you already, and Alex could almost hear the whine in Tomas' voice.

11. Earth:
Tomas was kind of shocked when handed two rosy apples as he arrived for training one day, Alex's excited "Look at them! I only planted the tree last year - you can keep those!" ringing in his ears.

12. End:
All he could taste was Alex (and Alex's popcorn) on his lips and, Tomas thinks, it's much better than watching the final scene of his favourite movie currently blaring on his television screen.

13. Fall:
Tomas watched as Alex tumbled in the area, losing possession of the ball: he didn't give a damn about penalties right then, not when his heart stopped after he heard the *pop* and Alex cry out in pain.

14. Fire:
"Damnit, do they have fireplaces at the hotel?" Alex asked, rubbing his hands together, to which Tomas replied by throwing the extra pair of gloves he brought along to Alex's head.

15. Flexible:
"If you need me, just call, anytime, alright?" and Alex could only say yes, silently thanking the stars for Tomas Rosicky - and Vodafone Freetime.

16. Flying:
One day Alex will watch a re-run of the Reading game and remember time standing still when Tomas jumped - flew - into his arms.

17. Food:
Tomas practically beamed when Alex asked him out: not for drinks, as usual, but for dinner.

18. Foot:
Tomas wakes to the sound of Alex's bare feet padding around the room, treading softly, trying not to wake him up, and laughs when Alex realises he's awake ("Shit!"), thinking he'd love to wake up to that every morning.

19. Grave:
Alex placed his hands on Tomas' slumped shoulders - "Don't give up just yet, Tom, the Premiership title isn't dead and buried - we'll make it, I promise," - and Tomas smiled again because he believed him.

20. Green:
"Your kit is completely covered in grass, it'll have to come off-" Tomas is grinning at Alex, who just pulls the shirt over his head in reply.

21. Head:
Alex really hopes Tomas is only joking with Phil as the pair discuss the benefits of shaving all the hair off one's head.

22. Hollow:
Alex is addicted to the sound of Tomas' whimper and the way Tomas' fingers dig into his back a little more when his lips attack the beautiful expanse of pale skin at the base of the Czech's neck.

23. Honor:
Tomas is honoured beyond words when he opens the door to his home and the entire team is there, Alex yelling "Surprise!" and bringing forward his favourite chocolate-mud birthday cake.

24. Hope:
At the end of the day, when Alex is sleeping peacefully beside him, arm wrapped protectively around his waist, Tomas hopes that he's everything Alex wanted him to be, and that it's enough.

25. Light:
If Tomas smile was a light then Alex was a firefly that's drawn helplessly towards it, using its energy to find his own.

26. Lost:
Tomas looked so lost when the apple he and Cesc had been playing Catch with landed on his head that Alex couldn't refrain from calling him Little Newton (instead of Little Mozart) before apologising profusedly when Tomas sent glares in his direction.

27. Metal:
Alex removed a key from a keychain and pressed it into his hand - not the same one he gave Alex, but another - and Tomas was rendered speechless.

28. New:
It's only been three months, but Tomas feels beyond welcomed; he feels loved.

29. Old:
There's a worn-out, faded burgundy T-shirt safely hidden in the bottom drawer by Tomas' bed - it's Alex's, and Alex doesn't know yet, but Tomas takes it along on every trip he has on international duty away from the Belarussian.

30. Peace:
When Alex needs to calm down, he just stops whatever he's doing, looks up at the sky, and thinks of Tomas.

31. Poison:
"You love apples so much someone is going to try and kill you one day poisoning it like in Snow White," Alex tells Tomas, who replies, "Well, are you going to be my Prince and kiss me back to life?"; Alex says thoughtfully, "I'll have to start practicing now, then," pressing his lips to Tomas', taste of apple in his mouth.

32. Pretty:
When Tomas tells Alex that he thinks the rain in England is pretty, Alex snorts and promises to ask him about it in another three months.

33. Rain:
Tomas insists his reply in three months would be exactly the same, so Alex reduces it to two.

34. Regret:
Alex knows that they both think they're moving too fast - it's only been three months - but he's in too deep already and he doesn't want it to slow down, much.

35. Roses:
Tomas arrives dressed in his black suit for the official opening of Emirates by the Prince, and as Alex admires the light reflecting on Tomas' recently washed hair he thinks that the Czech would be the perfect image of what a mother would want for their daughters if he turned up at her doorstep with a bundle of roses - too bad he's already taken.

36. Secret:
Sometimes Tomas wonders whether or not it's worth it, but then just thinking of Alex brings a smile to his face and Tomas knows it is.

37. Snakes:
"They're the most realistic," Tomas explained to Alex, in response to the question of why he always ate the green gummy snakes first - "besides, they're apple flavoured."

38. Snow:
Tomas looked at the reflection in the window on the bus to their hotel in Moscow, and found himself smiling at the image of Alex sleeping soundly, superimposed on the snowflakes falling outside, disappearing into the night, making it seem like they were getting caught in Alex's hair.

39. Solid:
If Alex could use Tomas' chest as his pillow, ear over his heart and falling asleep to the sound of Tomas' steady heartbeat, he would.

40. Spring:
"I hate the rain," Tomas said sulkily, and Alex just laughed at him before reaching over to fluff Tomas' hair with a towel.

41. Stable:
"Surprise!" cried Tomas, removing the blindfold, and Alex panicked when he saw a lady leading a black horse out of its stable.

42. Strange:
Alex always thought Tomas' fondness for apples rather strange, but didn't complain because he kind of enjoyed the slightly fruity taste in Tomas' mouth every time they kissed.

43. Summer:
Alex knew he would never be able to reply if Tomas asked when he was first interested in Arsenal's new signing - he loved watching the Czech Republic play at the World Cup, but "before I even met you," was just a bit too cheesy for his dignity.

44. Taboo:
Alex pulled him into a hug before kickoff at Old Trafford, instead of the now customary pat on the back, "For luck," and after they won Tomas jokingly asked if he could get a hug at the start of every game.

45. Ugly:
"At least you'd never call our football ugly," Tomas said glumly, and Alex nodded, sitting together on the couch watching a replay of their CSKA Moscow home game, knees bumping like a thread of comfort between them.

46. War:
"Can we please not fight ever again?" - Tomas nodded, yes of course, and the (rather endearingly) sniffling Belarussian promptly deprived him of air in a bear hug.

47. Water:
Alex saw the way water droplets nested themselves in Tomas' hair and how the wet shirt clung to the Czech's body, and thought for a very brief while that he might start liking the rain if it delivered a soaked Tomas to his doorstep every rainy afternoon.

48. Welcome:
Tomas was kind of shocked to see Alex waiting at the airport for him when he returned from International duty - Alex had his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jeans and Tomas would have loved to wipe off that stupid grin on Alex's face by kissing him like in those Hollywood movies but he gave Alex an affectionate punch in the arm instead.

49. Winter:
Alex brought over some freshly made apple pie (because Tomas would love it, he thinks), and he was proved right when Tomas thought it was the highlight of his rather miserable day, sick at home and stuck in his bed.

50. Wood:
Tomas watched as Alex thoughtfully threw more wood into the fireplace in Tomas' bedroom after Alex saw him curled up into a ball covered in several thick blankets, reflections from the tossled embers dancing in Alex's eyes; Alex looked back at him and suddenly asked "Are you alright? Feeling ill again? Shall I call-" Tomas shook his head, no, (I know we've only known each other really briefly but I already want to say "I love you", because I already mean it.)

Phew!!! *omg dead* back to work. Comments + feedback is love!

footballer: alex hleb, rating: pg, footballer: tomas rosicky

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