I love people. Note the sarcasm.
Peek here ![](http://mysite.freeserve.com/Intereo_Liberi/mythresult/unicorn.jpg)
I took the
What Mythological Creature Are you? test by
peacefulchaos !
My inner Unicorn is amused.
1. If you could change your name, what would you change it to? Why? If you like your name, why don't you want to change it?
Eh. I like my name well enough I suppose. Though I do wish that there weren't 30-bazillion other Jennifers out there in the world... Particularly in my peer group... Everyone is named Jennifer. Come on. If you're, like, 20 or so, you had at least 2 Jennifers in almost ever one of your classes, didn't you?
2. What is your idea of a perfect world?
I don’t know. That depends on how fluffy I’m being… a place with no hate, and intelligence... a place where people have real reasons for disliking other people beyond “you gots a different skin color than me. I hate you” or homophobia or… stupid things. A place where things make sense and governmental bullshit doesn’t rule.
Alternately, it could be a place where everyone has SHINY things! If I’m having a Jei-moment anyway.
3. If you had a choice, would you want to be a samurai or a ninja? Why? :D
Tough… hmm... Samurai are all honorable and strong and stuff… a beautiful art..... Then... Ninja are shiny in not-shiny sorts of ways… hmm. I might say a Ninja. But… it varies. Oh well.. I’ll say Ninja for this moment in time and space rather then continuing the babbly thingy.
4. What is one song that you will never get tired of hearing? Or, if you can't think of one, what is a song that you never want to hear again?
“Waking up beside you” by stabbing westward.. . (I think..) Beautiful… makes me want to cry… on some level deep inside me.
5. What was the first anime you ever liked?
Sailor Moon. *sage nod* yes, Sailor Moon, Live with it. ;P
-first grade teacher's name: … I’m not certain… Ms. Unabia?
-last words you said: "Of Course.”
-last song you sang: Eh… Probably a bit of “Nightshade” by Cellar Door. *shudder* That’s another song I’ll never hear too much of. Not that any of you are familiar with that song. .. 'cept you Ciro… …. But you all will be one day. Damnit. The music is good enough. It deserves to be known~~
-last thing you laughed at: Sirias’ Talents.
-last time you cried: Hmm… during a stab of homesickness sometime in the last few days, I think.
-what's in your cd player: No CD player. MP3 player has a cd of Ciro-music. All sorts of things from Gundam Wing, to drowning pool. … mmm.. bodies..
-what color socks are you wearing: Black! *stares at feet* er.. or maybe really dark navy… I’m not sure.
-what's under your bed: A kitty, maybe. A book or two. Carpet-balls. A plushie or two.
-what time did you wake up today: 1pm-ish
-what is your career going to be: I would adore to be an artist of some sort… but.. *shrugs a little in a who-knows sort of way*
-where are you going to live: Theoretically, Japan. But… who knows ^____^
-how many kids do you want: I wouldn’t mind one or two… but.. not until much further down the line..
-what kind of car will you drive: eh… I don’t drive now, so I can’t say what I’d like to drive.
-current hair: Long, brownishy… messy. Needing a shower.
-current clothes: Blue Jeans. Blue Turtleneck. Hmm.. I feel trowa-ish. *gels her bang out and becomes very quiet*
-current jewelry: nada.
-current annoyance: Myself, my lack of job. My need of job. My family… though in more remote sorts of ways…. Myself more so. … y’know. Stuff.
-current smell: Nothing.. though if I take a drink I can smell diet Dr.Pepper. …. I’d like to smell food though. Probably go get me a bowl of cereal after this…unless Ciro has something more in mind for food *glance* but I don’ think so.. *mrrp*
-current longing: Petting *nod* solution to money issues. A defined thing to do. I’m sort of fafting about aimlessly.. since I’m not sure what I need to be doing right now.. and Ciro is Marrach-ing. ..maybe I should play Quest for Glory. Or Neverwinter nights. Hell, I paid 70$ for that game, I may as well /play/ it. But then, as soon as I get into it, Ciro will wanna go do stuff *shrugs* eh, I should think of these things before hand… *continues fafting.*
-current desktop picture: Cloud and Sephiroth. .. hm… must go listen to ‘one winged angel’..
-current favorite music artist: *shrugs* in limbo at the moment. Blind guardian. Dir en grey, Gackt, rammstein. Doesn’t matter over much, really.
-current book: “Hellbound”
-current worry: Job and Money. Mrrrg. Myself. Of course.
-current hate: Idiots. Stupid people… the fact that good people have to work so hard and get shit when people like the president got it made.
-story behind your username: Ciro thought it up ^-^ I loves it *snuggles it ^^
-quotes: *insert cricket chirping here* Uh,…. Oh! Oh! I know. “Chid and the Squii” ^-^
-current favorite article of clothing: My turtlenecks. Comfy! My jeans too. Comfy! Big!
-one person you wish was here right now: … I wouldn’t mind Jen being here now. Not in the least.
-I am happiest when: ….you know those golden moments when uncertainty is pushed away from your mind and you know that you’ve made good, right decisions in life? Those moments, when I know that coming here was the right thing.. when I’m laughing and hugging people, and I feel so very much like I Belong and Am Right Here. .. with Ciro-chan ^^
-I feel lonely when: when I get stupid and my attention hog side starts begging for attention because I’ve been “neglected” for an “extended period of time” … I’m stupid and I know it. *pokies head*
-do you think too much: Yup. I’m good at over complicating things.
-if you could live anywhere in the world, where: …I dunno. I’m happy right here right now. There are good people here… now, if I could collect everyone I care about all together in one place… ^-^
-famous person you have met: famous person.. hmmm.. I knew one of the original Disney animators once upon a time… uhm… … feels like there’s someone I’m forgetting here.. …can’t think of anyone I’m missing though… oh! I met Ciro! Does that count?
-do you have any regrets: Entirely too many… from most of my teenage life to college to.. well.. all sorts of things… wish I’d spent more time being a kid and a teen and doing things rather then.. well.. not.
-favorite coffee: *shrugs* don’t’ drink coffee enough to know. Mmm.. coffee-flavored Ben and Jerry’s..
-favorite smell: Varies drastically. ^_^ Rain. Trees and woodsy smells.. … Do certain wolfies I know count? *kitten eyes*
-what makes you mad: injustices. Stupid shit that shouldn’t be but is. (see also: president). Myself, at times.
-favorite way to waste time: to waste time.. well.. the person who I stole this from said role-playing.. I’d agree, but I don’t think the role playing is a waste of time ^___^ Neither is reading, drawing, or driving around aimlessly talking ^__^
-what is your best quality: got me… sense of humor? Sweetness.. kindness, understanding. Imagination? Ask someone who’s not me o.o
-are you currently in love/lust: Yup. *glow*
-any bad habits: I get grumpy easily, when attention isn’t focused on me, when I feel it should be. Which… isn’t always when it should be. Laziness, of course. I over complicate things. I also can be arrogant. In ways. which can then make me grumpy. And stuff.
-do you find it hard to trust people: Yes and Know I’m uber trusting and way too suspicious at the same time c_c;
-last thing you bought yourself: Um…food? Eh.. probably my copy of never winter nights.
-bath or shower: Shower… because baths are strange alien things tat I only take when I’m in a place that, like, has a tub. Sometimes. My last bath was… feh. Years ago.
-favorite season: Winter. This could change though ^-^ The Hawaiian girl knows very little.
-favorite color: Black, p[purples, blues and greens, particularly in darker shades.
-favorite time of day: at night ^-^
-gold or silver: Silver ^-^
-any secret crushes: eh. There are people I wouldn’t mind impressing or catching the attention of…. But those aren’t crushes… more like.. craving acceptance and attention more than anything.
-how many coats and jackets do you own: One coat. Yay for handmedownsthataren’treallyhandmedowns.
-favorite pants color: dark blue/black
-most expensive item of clothing: eh *shrugs* my jeans? Maybe my bra :P I don’t’ spend money on clothing -_-
-do your friends know you: my close friends do. The others… are getting there I’d think. But then.. very few people ever really know me.. I can only ting of… two, perhaps, who really know me… then, over the past three months.. that way be only one instead..
-what do they tend to be like: Good people. Awesome folks.. very unique… not just one of the crowd… intelligent. Remarkable. ^_^
-can you count on them: Of course.
-can they count on you: Of course.
-last movie you saw: uhm…Fight Club? Not sure.
-last movie you saw on the big screen: eeeugh…. School of Rock?
-last show you watched on TV: eh.. power puff girls earlier? It was on, anyway.
Last song you heard: well.. there’s some song being played on TV now.. think “Cats don’t dance” is on, so…
-last thing you had to drink: diet Dr. Pepper.
-last thing you ate: bread pizza about 20 hours ago. Oh and this spiffeh angel food/strawberry/whipped cream stuff. Hmm.. and I snitched a strawberry slice or two an hour or two ago. … I should probably eat. I’m not really hungry though.
-last time you showered: eh, forget. The other day. Yesterday? Day before that, I think. Will probably shower later or tomorrow…. Need to…
-last person you hugged: Ciro-chan ^^
-last person you talked to online: Trembler, I believe. (Daisuki yo!)
-last person you talked to on the phone: Jen ^^
-do drugs: No ma’am.
-drink: nope~!
-sleep with stuffed animals: several ^-^ *snuggles tiger plushie that Trembler gave her*
-have a dream that keeps coming back: not really…
-play an instrument? Not a one.
-read the newspaper: nope.
-have any gay or lesbian friends: Hahahahahaha… Yes!
-believe in miracles: I know miraculous things happen. I don’t necessarily think that they are placed there by the hand of god, but… :P
-consider police a friend or foe: Situation… Police in general make me grumpy though.
-like the taste of alcohol: *8shrugs*.
-have a favorite stooge: No.
-believe in astrology: Not really, but weird shit happens and sometimes can be applied to reality
-believe in magic: …yes. I think. Not Harry potter magic exactly, but.. 8shrugs*
-pray: Not really. I’ll occasionally talk to whatever entity may exist… but In ways it’s more of speaking with myself and laying out my thoughts where I can see them.
-go to church: No!
-have any pets: Nope… unless I can adopt Ciro’s kitties ^-^
-go or plan to attend college: I have attended and will continue to attend this fall/summer ^^
-talk to strangers: Depends on situation
-have any piercings: Nope. Not even ears.
-hate yourself: sometimes
-wish on stars: No… but I would/
-like your handwriting: Not remotely.
-believe in witches: *shrugs* Hard to say. Sure.
-believe in ghosts: Yes.
-sing in the shower: I can never remember the words ^^;