Mar 25, 2010 01:37
I'm having one of those nights. I suppose it's not strictly insomnia. It's more like...I just don't want to go to bed. I don't understand why...I'm moderately sleepy and I worked out today. I should be tired enough to collapse into bed.
So instead, you people (assuming you're out there) will get a rambling update on my life. Hm. Today for work I read stories and sang songs to children in the morning. Then, in the afternoon, they built "egg protection devices" and I stood on a table and sent eggs plummeting through the air. The success of an egg drop! I like my job.
I can't wait for Season 3 of "The Big Bang Theory" to come out on DVD. It's depressing that Derek and I finished the second season partway through this current one (three). Plus, I'm bad at watching things on TV. I made a promise to myself when "Friends" when off the air that I would never become so involved in a TV show again. Amy and I planned our Thursday evenings around that show. I specifically blocked off time on my work schedules to watch it. I figured out how to tape things on our VCR for goodness' sakes! So in conclusion, I didn't like how that happened. So now I watch things on DVD.
I got sent a photo of an Edward Barbie Doll today. It scared me.