Dec 25, 2007 20:30
Well, Christmas is officially coming to a close, and I must say it has been a great one. In celebration at the Graham house was just my mom, dad, brother and I. It was really great. Everyone got something for each person and everyone recieved something pretty darn grand from my dad. I get really excited to see peoples reactions to gifts that I purchased for them. My Grandmother's Christmas money came a week early which was just perfect for gift buying timing. I just so happen to be sitting listening to my new 80 gig iPod. I'm really excited about it, since it is actually the first piece of electronic equipment I have owned personally. I pretty much spent all day cleaning up iTunes of all the crap that my brother downloaded and didn't label. Not only were some gifts surprising but a surprise nocked on my door last night around nine o'clock. My brother couldn't see who it was and wouldn't open the door, but I flung it open as soon as I got to the front porch because I knew there was only one person who I really cared about who would be in for this Christmas; Russ. He looked good--home from Berkeley in Boston. We hung out just like old times. When he was here he was the closest friend I have really spent the most time with. I have shared more with him than anyone, even Kelly. Russ seems to have always been there, even through my major heart breaks. I'm lucky to have such a good friend. My parents were thrilled to see him. We invited him in for cake and milk. Yesterday was not the last we will see of him, for he will be here for two weeks. Speaking of heart breaks, I contacted Brandon for the fist time since we had a "falling" out in April. I told him that I wanted to be friends and that I wasn't really sure what had happened between he and I, and considering I am dating Josh again, and he is dating Leann, and Marianne is dating Kavon, it makes no sense to go on ignoring eachother. He actually got back to me and said that he felt victimized bla bla, I didn't even want to know why, because it was too long ago to even matter, but he said that it was mature of me to try to make things work and that he would do all he could to be friends or, in the least, be civil to eachother. He actually invited me on the ski trip in January, which I don't have the money to go on, but it was the thought that counts. Josh called the other day, which was surprising, since he was in Florida for a week I figured I wouldn't hear from him 'til he got home. He said he bought my Christmas gift. I'm excited to give him his. It's sad that he wasn't here for the big holiday, but at least he and I can have New Years together. Anyway, he talked to me for a solid hour, and wished me a Merry Christmas from the Animal Kingdom this morning. That genuinely impressed me, considering he doesn't even call me when he is in town (he probably misses me ;-)) Maryland said I didn't have to come in on my normal Monday night volunteer time from 4-7 since it was Christmas Eve, but asked me if I would come in tomorrow from 9am-1230. So, that's where I will be tomorrow. I'm kinda excited. The hospital is a really nice place around the holidays. I love talking to all the people who come in to visit and there are lots more gifts, cards, and flowers for me to deliver :) I can't wait for the semester to be over. In all reality it would have made a lot more sense to have the semester end before the holiday break, but whatever. Two weeks after getting back and only a few finals. I'll have to see if I can survive Calc! I just want to start my physical training after school in that extra hour I get second semester. Also, my internship in Urgent Care will begin! So much to do, but soooo exciting. I'm currently working on Candide right now, by Voltaire. It is moderately rediculous, but enjoyable all the same. A lot of a change from Antigone, Jane Eyre, As I Lay Dying, and Beloved. If I make it through this year it will be a miracle. Well, Merry Christmas and God Bless!