(no subject)

May 02, 2004 18:55

Well, I can either fan girl about my new bed (not so new, I've had it for a little while, but well, I upgraded it from a twin to a full. My twin is now for geusts)... or my new Harvest Moon game. I'll do my game I geuss, even though my bed is totally cool (loft bed! yay!!).

I've just finished the first year, but I'll cut it incase there are spoilers...

I love this game. Some of the changes they made to the game are weird, like the 10 day seasons, and watering crops twice but others were pretty cool. Cowsmake a ton money, and you can milk'em tice a day, but theres that time limit on it, but I geuss it makes it more real...

Speaking of the cows.. They are SO cute! They sound real too :) And they lick you when they like you alot. i've got one of each color so far, (ones a bull though).

Chickens are ok, I hope I get to have ducks, but I'm not sure if we can get them in the game. They were mentioned in the pond description, so would that be where they would stay?

The kid is ok, but the wife is annoying.. -.-.

If anyone plays, can you tell me why my horse doesn't like to be talked to or hugged? He likes the brush.

Oh, this is the harvest moon game for gamecube.

well, I wanna fan girl about my bed, but it'll be cut, cause who wants to hear about someone's new bed?

Alright, so my new bed is a loft bed, and I love it. Its a full, made out of wood, and is SO cool!

I have a full langth pillow (no more pillows falling off the bed with be being unable to get them back), with a nice reading light.

My old twin is now a bed for geusts *looks up at it* Or my cat. She's seems to think its all hers now.


Well shit. Nows the time to panic.

Friends are so unpridictable. Sisters even more so. *calming breath*. Now, its time to plot revenge. I suck at plotting revenge. Or at least they know me to well for normal things to work.

I think some type of nasty food. What spice gets much hotter after you start to chew it? But starts off fine? Considering I just started learning how to cook edible stuff (which they like, which surprises me) they won't be expecting something like that.

Or something else. I can't think of anything. *cries*

On a diff note... If no one goes for it after a week (or whenever I have time maybe sooner), I might go after it. Maybe. Probably not. But maybe.

I wanna ramble. Should I cut it? Probably should, most of the time my rambles can get pretty long. At least, they can when I'm talking. Never rambled on this ting... Is it any diffrent? I would think so, cause its harder to type stuff then it is to talk, but well, I think I'm more um, whats the word, not clear, though it means the same thing. Coherent! Thats the word, I think I'm more coherent when I'm typeing.

... Cutting now... I really like these cut thingys...

I have a cat named Milo. She's a black and white tuxedo colored tabby. She is two- almost three years old. She's more like a dog then a cat. She fetches, she does some tricks, she comes when shes called (though, don't know if that counts, she also comes when she's not called...), she's not independent, she get seperation anxioty, and she's clumsy.

Ok, for exsample (about being clumsy), when ever she see's me, she goes through a little routine to get me to come over and pet her (it works). Milo strechs out, till she's streched out length wise (which is really long, shoulda named her slinky), meows, then rolls over. Well, once she started doing her little routine while laying on this glass end table in the living room. she's strechs, meows, then rolls, and then bats a paw in my direction. Right off the table. And you know how cats are suppose to always land on there feet? She doesn't. She gets up, looks confused, looks at me, meows like its my fault, lays back down, and finishs her routine.

Another time I had just taken a bath (a bath bath, not a shower) and hadn't drained the tub yet.

So I'm in my bedroom, when I hear a loud screech. In comes my cat (my bath room is connected to my room), looking VARY pissy, and soaked to the bone. She look at me, then went over, plopped her wet little self on my bed (back when I still had a regular bed) and started cleaning herself while glaring at me.

The last part was vary cattish of her though, I think.

I'll have to create an icon of her at some point...

I wanna do some more thought hamsters, I like doing those. Or maybe finish up the pic of the mushroom guy on hyoutei who I can't spell as a duck. Or maybe I'll change it to a hamster...
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