
Mar 26, 2004 21:04

Just a short drable, less then 600 words.

Pairing: Umm, not really any, maybe pre-shishitori. (Only two charas in it)

No title.

Shishido Ryou was uneasy by the time 2nd period ended.

When lunch rolled around, he was beginning to feel a bit apprehensive.

By the time school was over for the day, he was feeling down right paranoid. And downright aggravated. While Shishido was use to people eyeing him, whether it was fan girls leering and sizing up his mood to see if they could get away with molesting him (not that he ever let them get close enough for it to happen), or the boyfriend of one of those fan girls sneering at him as if it was his fault that they could not keep their girl friends’ interests.

Even the occasional glare from a jealous girlfriend when the boyfriend’s eyes were left a little to long in his direction. But pretty much everyone on the regular tennis team had that problem. Shishido had even over heard some transfer student ask if, besides the exceptional skill, being attractive was also required to be on the team.

However, Shishido was not receiving any of those looks today. Instead, throughout the whole day, he was met with looks of first confusion, then laughter. And it was getting on his nerves.

Even the teachers, who usually tried to appear professional (and not always succeeding), sported looks of puzzlement, then, as they passed by his desk, suppressed laughter. Shishido had gone to the bath room multiple times during the day, almost being late for one of his classes to check if he had a smudge of dirt on his face or neck that could be mistaken for something else (*cough*hicky*cough*). But nothing amiss was to be found.

Which was why, before practice, Shishido found himself in front of the mirror in the bath room, staring into in a way he had not since he had cut his hair.

“Shishido-san? Are you in here?” Ohtori asked, “We are going to be late for practice if we don’t hurry.”

“Yes, I’m here. I’m by the mirror.” Shishido turned around and raised a hand in a small wave to Ohtori. “Is there anything wrong with my face or something?”

Ohtori shook his head, face gaining a puzzled look. It wasn’t often that Shishido wore that type of look on is face.

Shishido humphed, and looked back in the mirror, and reached out a hand to grab his hat and put it on for practice. However, a choking sound from Ohtori (who had been taking a drink of water right when Shishido had been turning around, caused him to turn back around to younger boy.

“What? You okay? Choutarou?” Ohtori nodded, glancing nervously off to the side while his hand went up catch the chain around his neck, unsure of how to broach this little problem.

“Ummm…. Shishido-san, do you still… cut your own hair?” Ohtori asked, his eyes shifting the reflection of Shishido in the mirror.

“Yea, why?” Shishido said, face gaining a puzzled look. Ohtori stepped forward, deciding it was best to show Shishido the problem. He reached out to get a detachable little mirror, holding it so Shishido could see the vary back of his head reflected from the first mirror.

“You’ve got a bald spot on back part of your head.”
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