Holiday Love

Dec 24, 2005 13:24

In the midst of the holidays, we often find ourselves in the midst of family we only see a few times a year. So you sit around, catching up on what's going on in your life. IT is in that spirit that I would like to present an essay entitled:

Shut the fuck up, it's my life: Religion and politics is not "kind of an odd combination"

I'd first like to address the fact that by adding the politics minor, I've at least stopped the "Well what on Earth are you going to do with that?" questions. Previous to having a "useful" minor, I was asked that far too much. Excuse me, Ms. Dental Hygentist, you met me five minutes ago, do you really think you have to right to imply that I am wasting my time and money by studying something I enjoy?
What could I possibly do with a degree in religion?
Be a Minister
Be a Professor
Military Clergy
Pastoral Counciling (in a hospital, for example)
Use my knowledge of comparative understanding to foster a greater sense of understanding
Teach Sunday school
Be an R.E. director
Develop R.E. curriculums
Understand how people think
Analyze situations in which religion plays a part in developing conflict

Oh that last one, yeah, let's consider why religion and politics are not an odd combination.
Faith-based Initiatives
The Christian Right lobby
Intelligent Design
Law suits over where Creshes are allowed
Gay Marriage
Israel and Palestine
France's law banning the wearing of religious clothing
Abstinance-only education
the Crusades
September 11th

So you see, people, if you would care to think for even one second after I tell you what I'm studying, it is maybe one of the most important combinations out there. Even if you don't plan on thinking, then my God, don't just brush it off. How would you like it if I told you your job was useless?
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