Jan 03, 2007 11:13
While sitting in the bathroom, I picked up a copy of Allure magazine. While paging through various "lusts and musts", including a $10,000 some odd dollars Louis Vutton dress, makeovers that will make my life perfect, articles about skin care, and interviews with people, I came upon something that scared me. Am I too open? Should I wear makeup, get strange things done in the name of beauty perfection and hide it from the world, even from the one I care about most?
The article, entitled "Beauty Secrets", talks about women doing strange and/or secret beauty regimens and keeping it all to themselves. To me, a relatively open person, especially to people I care about, this was shocking. Why wouldn't you tell your significant other about tweezing your armpits or something? Especially if you're on the level of being able to talk about like..what your poop looked like or something..It didn't occur to me that personal beauty rituals should be..well..personal.
One of the reasons given for why women do this is simply because "women want to be perceived as being magically put together, because we were all raised on fairy tales." Well, on the contrary! Especially now, when parents don't make the time for kids anymore, this is not true! The media perceives women as perfect. Touched up, thinned down, nip here, tuck there, fix that mole, etc, etc. So when other women (or young girls, which is even worse) see this, they want themselves to look like these perfect people.
A women says in this article that she, herself, has a private bank account that her husband does not know about that she spends on beauty. Up to and over $3000 dollars a year on Botox and lasers to be perceived as perfect. And the scary part, her husband doesn't even know.
I'm just easily freaked I guess..