'Tis the season and all that, so I thought it might be nice to share these with you. Courtesy of
ar_boblad, about 15 years ago now I guess it must have been. Où sont les vampires d'antan?
- A crossbow bolt through the heart will stake a vampire.
- Cut off the feet of someone killed by undead, and they will not be able to walk if they become undead themselves.
- Dreams about vampires signify a poor harvest.
- Adulteresses will go deaf within the year.
- If you see a bat you should pray. This makes it fall asleep, then you rip its wings off.
- Vampires sleep with their eyes open.
- Holding ghouls under water under a bridge is the only way to kill them permanently.
- He who drinketh of alcohol then partaketh in the potato will surely suffer.
- A vampire can’t stand at a crossroads.
- A marriage on the first day of a century will produce love for eternity.
- Bury each tooth of a werewolf separately and under trees. If two teeth are together they can still bite.
- Dreams about a full moon signify change.
- Push a vampire down a well then sprinkle ashes down it and the vampire will implode.
- Hop on a grave and the person buried there will haunt you until your death.
- Never hold a funeral before 2 pm or disaster will befall you.
- Werewolves never get struck by lightning.
- Mime infuriates the undead.
- If you see a ghoul and it turns to stare at your heart you will die within a fortnight.
- Dreams about poor harvests signify vampires.
- If you see a black cat spit on it or bad luck will be yours.
- A door made of yew wood can’t be opened by a werewolf.
- Fresh sap on your hands can stop a ghoul’s approach.
- Werewolves can be killed by normal means on a new moon.
- A spike on your roof stops a vampire bat landing on it.
- If you get cut by a vampire’s fangs, wash it in holy water then hold a candle over it.
- Sprinkle a powdered ghoul’s thumbnail onto a field and it will flourish for five years.
- Open a ghoul’s grave at precisely noon and it won’t trouble you for as long as you live. (Or was it that it will trouble you?)
- Dreams about potatoes signify death.
(Unfortunately, most of these
turned out to be inaccurate.)
Do you have any good ones to add to the list?