I'm not sleeping...

Jun 01, 2005 12:07

So I woke up today and was instantly in a little mood cuz my mom came in telling me that i was going to LLCC to take my placement test and i told her that i wasn't. I'll do it tomorrow. So that made me moody. Then i go to pick up my report card BUT i get there and apparently seniors get theirs mailed to them. So i got up early for nothing and that really really pissed me off. Then i get online just to see whats going on with everyone bc my computer decided it was gonna work....and well i just never should have bc then i never would have found all of this bullshit. I don't even have anything to say back...i already called katie up and we got it settled out. so it's all good...

"Stop letting him control every aspect of your life and I'll stop being shady. Try hanging out with us in the halls occasionally, instead of running to him the second he comes into your line of sight and then spending almost every other minute of the day with him."

We already discussed this....enough said.

its true.
everytime she sees him she runs away from us. im sick of it and its not that im too weak to tell her its just that i dont want to ruin the last couple days of school. but i hope one of these days she realizes how much she has dissed us and blown us off for "him". its almost like she's a robot.

whatever. every morning when i walked in and tried to talk to everyone you all looked at me like i'm an idiot. maybe that's why i always walked off with jeremy.

"me up with amber and jeremy. and tim was there. i tried to wait for amber and jeremy and they looked at me and walked right past me. made me a little mad but it happens.
me and katie decided to move up but amber decided to stay back with jeremy. so katie, tim and i rocked out! it was so great!"

Umm....i didn't realize that i looked at you and walked right past you, i don't even remember that. You should have said something to me instead of getting pissed at me. As i recall i thought all of you walked off from us bc me & jeremy were far behind all of you and i was like ok nice of them to wait for us. And I didn't want to move forward. I don't like being up front because i am short and i can't see. I didn't stay back because i wanted to stay w/ jeremy, i stayed back bc i wouldnt be able to see up there. He tried pushing me to follow you guys and i told him to stop bc i didnt want to be up there where i couldn't see.

So yeah. nice to know what livejournals are really for...to talk shit about people you are supposed to care about. Well, i'm not going to sit here and talk shit about it. I understand why some things were said, i also understand many things are misinterpretated so allow me to clear it up. I have two jobs, the only day i generally have off is wednesday...wednesday is oasis. All of you choose to not go to oasis with me so there is one opportunity lost to hang out with me. I know katie can't go bc her mom flips out, and dix couldnt go sometimes bc of tests and whatnot...but there were a lot of opportunities to go. The weekends...i closed most of the time friday and saturday and sunday. Or close friday, 8 hour shift sat., 8 hour shift sunday. Or close friday, close sat, work all day sunday. That gets tiring. By the time i get off work i just want to sit somewhere. I don't want to go run around springfield...I don't want to go run around shows. I just want to sit. So by the time i get off work...katie is working or everyone has already started up their plans for the night. Leaving me with .... jeremy. Misinterpreted for me not wanting to hang out with anyone.

Then there is this thing about him controlling me. Complete bullshit. He doesn't control me. There are numerous times where he tells me he doesn't care if i go run around with my friends bc he is just gonna go do the same with his. Every time i get a chance to get out with everyone...they are busy or i have to do stuff around the house and all that shit. He may get jealous of guys....but that's normal. I get jealous of girls that talk to him. That's not controlling. It's normal. And fucking tyler might have made the situation just a little bit worse bc he's just fucking psyco.

I don't fucking like hanging out with just him. There are so many things battling out in my mind you all have no fucking idea. I've noticed how people are growing apart and it fucking kills me. It's like no one wants to make the move to make it right, and everyone is at fault for that. Not just me and jeremy. All i have to say is it's summer. School is over and we all should have more free time. For this first week or two i have a lot of stuff i need to do around the house and with college and stuff but that's not going to take me forever. Everyone now has a chance to make it right. and if no one makes a move then i don't want to fucking hear people bitching at me for hanging out with my boyfriend. I'll do my part as well. I didn't fucking plan on spending every waking moment with him this summer. Oh...surprise. Maybe i'm not the heinous bitch you guys think i am. I'm done with this. I have nothing left to say. If anyone still has fucking problems with it...talk to me about it bc ranting in your livejournal doesnt fix a problem it makes it worse.

I hope to see some improvements from all sides this summer bc i for one am not the only one that needs to work on it.


And there is no point in commenting on this. I will not have my computer after tonight for who knows how long. if you have comments....give me a call.
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