Ohoh you didn't think of it yet? Well it seems like something seunghyun would do...or ji..when they're hurt and want to hurt the other/get them off their back! Glad to give you ideas tho~
It's very much so an option. =P I've got three endings in my head. It could be happy, it could be melodramatic, or it could be absolutely devastating. ^^
i want to punch seunghyun for all the ladies comments tho =-= don't mind it ji! he's just one big bully D:
love this chapter :3 the sharing room part is just plain win, lets see where that akwardness leads them :D
Sharing a bed will be extremely fun. Thanks for your comment hun! ^.^
but who can resist ji anyway >D i'll be waiting for the next chapter :D
XD This story is what led to 'As if Nothing's Wrong' 8P Of course in the end they'll be happy. Right? *it's not an option* >>
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