(no subject)

Oct 24, 2006 13:46

1. Do you like your first name? Yes, I'm a gift from God. Like wool socks though, not a Playstation.
2. Middle name? Michael. MMM is cool.
3. What's the best name for a girl? Aurora
4. Guy? Umm...Caitlin likes Gabriel. I dunno.
5. How many letters are in your last name? 10
6. Where did the "Boy Meets World" creators come up with the name Topanga? They just did.
7. Are actors and actresses going overboard with unique baby names? Uh, yeah
8. Girls, when/if you get married are you going to keep your last name? She better not.
9. Do you know anyone who's legally changed their name? No
10. Do you have any nicknames? Speedy in high school, Moonman

1. Do you have a job? Sorta
2. Where do you work? Cyberspace
3. How long have you been working there? 4 months?
4. Is it a long commute? As soon as my PC loads
5. Do you have a nice boss? I'm my own boss essentially
6. Nice co-workers? The guy I collaborate with is very nice
7. So, what exactly do you do? Web design and programming
8. Is this a career or just a job to support yourself? Both, depending on how hard I work.
9. What's your ideal job? Think tank
10. Do you know anyone with a really cool job? I interned at NASA, and those guys have some cool jobs. I met an astronaut.

Pop Culture
1. Do you watch Best Week Ever? Couple of times
2. How about "The Fabulous Life of..."? Flipped past it
3. Do you know much about celebrity culture today? Too much
4. Or are you stuck in the past somewhere? Besides my love of 90's alternative and grunge music, nah
5. What celebrity is most over-rated? Anyone whose late night antics get more ratings than his/her product.
6. Under-rated? Terry O'Quinn. Forced to do b-movies and cancelled scifi shows. But, his current gig is pretty sweet.
7. Who's your favorite female celebrity? Reese Witherspoon is quite good.
8. Male? Isn't the popular answer Johnny Depp here? Umm...Harrison Ford. Oh, and Hugh Jackman.
9. Has anyone ever told you that you look like a celebrity? I AM a celebrity
10. Do you know anyone who looks like a celebrity? Not close enough

1. What's 43 divided by 3? 14 and 1/3
2. Name two plays written by Shakespeare. The Tempest and Othello.
3. What's the square root of 16? duh...42
4. In what year did Colombus discover America? The world is flat.
5. Who was the third American president? Thomas Jefferson
6. How many wives did Henry VII have? 6
7. Name three elements on the Periodic Table: Tungsten, Xenon, Uranium
8. When did the Berlin Wall come down? 1989
9. How many hours are in 3 days? Too many
10. A butcher is 5'5. What does he weigh? Meat, I'm told.

1. What was your favorite book as a kid? Lord of the Rings
2. How about now? Dune
3. Did you ever read the Black Lagoon series? No
4. Ramona Quimby? No
5. Junie B. Jones? No
6. Harry Potter? First 3. It depresses me.
7. What book should have never been made into a movie? There are many.
8. What book should be made into a movie? They've done it all.
9. Who's your favorite author? Frank Herbert, Douglas Adams, and Philip K Dick
10. Is "Arthur" a better book or TV show? Which one.

Sleeping Habits
1. What kind of bed do you have? adjustable bed
2. Matress? Yes
3. Is it comfortable? pretty much
4. When do you usually go to sleep? 10:30
5. Are you a heavy sleeper? not really
6. What position do you sleep in? back mostly
7. How many pillows do you sleep on? like 4
8. Did/do you sleep with a night light? no, but my wall of electronics emits plenty of light
9. How about stuffed animals? A few that my girl sent me
10. Do you sleep with your hair up or down? i'm a dude

This or That
1. Rock or Rap? ROCK
2. Spring or Fall? spring
3. Black and White or Color? cerulean
4. Cats or Dogs? DOGS
5. World History or Algebra/Math? Both
6. Bolding or X's?: what.
7. Nickelodeon or Cartoon Network? Neither
8. '70s or '80s? 90s
9. Monopoly or Clue? Monopoly
10. Aerosmith or Bon Jovi? Aerosmith

Under the Floorboards
1. Do you have a secret? maybe
2. Are you good at keeping secrets? sure am
3. How about your friends? i dunno
4. Is your mom one of those gossipy housewives that tell everyone everything? she's talkative but not gossipy
5. Does your family have secrets? oh sure
6. Do you lie to people a lot to keep your secret safe? no, i just don't bring it up
7. Are you keeping a secret right now? nothing big
8. Do you have a good Poker face? no
9. Have you ever planned a surprise party? no
10. Did you lie on this section to keep a secret? nah

Video Games
1. Do you play video games (might wanna skip this section if you don't)? sometimes
2. PlayStation, X-Box, or Nintendo? Nintendo!
3. Do you know what Pong is? duh
4. How about Duck Hunt? duh
5. Are you any good at Dance Dance Revolution? noooo
6. Racing or Fighting games? Myst!
7. Mario or Luigi? Yoshi
8. Do you own any video games that are based on movies? Blade Runner was a good game
9. What's the best video game ever? I'm told Earthbound, but Super Mario 3 was my fave. DESTROY ALL HUMANS 2 looks sweet, though.
10. Worst? I don't like FPS cuz i can't see all the missiles or guns aimed at me. I'm like Jim on The Office a couple weeks back.

X-rays and Other Medical Procedures
1. Do you know what hospital you were born in? yep, in Cali
2. Ever break a bone? actually no
3. Ever needed a wheelchair? Yep, I got a sweet ride
4. Do you have Scoliosis? had it.
5. Have you ever had Mono? My friend did in HS. He missed months.
6. Were/are you afraid of the dentist? nope, never had a cavity
7. Do you visit a chiropractor regularly? does a dominatrix count? j/k
8. Have you ever gotten x-rays of your teeth? yes
9. Do you still have your tonsils? yes
10. Did you get your wisdom teeth removed yet? nooo

You're So Special!
1. Are you double jointed? kinda
2. Do you have any other talents involving your body parts? tongue stuff
3. Can you do any impersonations? i try
4. Can you sing? no
5. Dance? no
6. Do you type really fast? no
7. Do you have perfect vision? no
8. Do you have a good short-term memory? no
9. Are you good with computers? AWESOME
10. What can you do really well? sarcasm

1. So, did you like the survey? I guess
2. What was your favorite letter? M
3. Did you skip over any because you didn't like the topic? i dunno
4. Is 260 questions over-doing it? was that 260? i think i got a shorter version
5. Where'd you get this survey? Katie
6. Do you know them? Yes, she's cool
7. Do you think the X-Ray thing was cheating? no...it worked
8. How about Under the Floorboards? no
9. How long did it take you to do this? 20
10. Isn't this the crappiest ending ever? Erik said "Obviously you have never seen Revenge of the Sith." but Matrix Revolutions was worse.
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