Sep 14, 2006 02:06
i'm way too excited about being in school.
except i need to write that essay for state so i can stop worrying about it and completely focus on my other essays for my two english classes.
i think i'm going to trick my mom into letting me get my cat tomorrow. i'm so worried that rupert might be worried. i might get there with her and cry. cry like a little 5 year old girl who just wanted the kitty to love.
so..rupert is grey with blue blue eyes. and he weighs less than 2 pounds right now! i think he's 1 pound and three ounces. and he's scared of everything. he always walks like the floor is really cold on his tippy toes. he has a striped tail that looks like a raccoon tail. he's pretty shy. but i love him. OH I LOVE HIM. and then there's robbie. robbie is a spazz. which is what i would call him. he's different shades of brown with white feet. both meow a lot, which i love. i need a meowing cat. and he is super hyper. ran into a wall and played with my keys still hyper. i'd like to have him, but i know he would just flip my parents out. i'm terrified that my mom is going to say that i can only have the cat once i get this cable buried. HOW DARE COMCAST PREVENT ME FROM GETTING A CAT!!!
i want my kitty.