i'm confused

Feb 01, 2006 14:57

i'm thrilled to leave my "workday" but then i get home and don't know what to do. i wait for time to sleep, then it gets too late and i'm pissed i wasn't in bed earlier... i wake up the next day to do it all over again.

going out seems like a money problem and if i drink too much, i'm bound to rub someones hard-on or puke in their sink... but i guess i can curb my excess.

ehhhhhhhhh i am leaving now. my "boss" had butt squirts all day and was moaning and running into the back room, i told him i was doing some shopping, i bought two boat shoes and crazy duane reade stuff. now im back, ate lunch at 3, will wake him up and i will leave.

another day, another under the table dollar.

OH SHIT... i almost forgot! i saw chris stein on the street today!!... i looked at him thinking he was a friend of a friend or something and said "hey hi, gosh, we've been introduced before right?..." then he said," maybe", i told him my name was missy, he said chris and it clicked!!... strange, in tribeca, no one bothered him... i said, oh wow man, shoot... cool, sorry about that, enjoy your day... he smiled and said the same and we parted.
i guess they still kick it in lower manhatten, ahh blondie.

he looks just like this, the dude in the middle

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