rash_minority: hi
pyleanwonder05: Ah, hello.
pyleanwonder05: How are you this evening?
rash_minority: good, and you?
pyleanwonder05: Horrible, but thanks for asking
rash_minority: why horrible?
pyleanwonder05: It seems as though my peers have yet again played a most heinous prank on me.
pyleanwonder05: You see...
pyleanwonder05: I'm a big fan of European philosophy, and they purposefully sent me a disparaging comment concerning Pasolini.
rash_minority: ok?
pyleanwonder05: I know, weird. But you asked.
rash_minority: well, you can go into further detail, if you so please
pyleanwonder05: I shall. Pasolini is one such philosopher that values the resilience and determination of the human spirit; thus, he sees humanity as independently capable of its own salvation. That means, by extention, that he undervalues the religious concept of a hiher, supreme being that occassionally lends a helping hand to his sheep if you will.
pyleanwonder05: They, my peers, knowing this, sent me a message concerning Pasolini and his adoration of Christ.
pyleanwonder05: Which is, of course, false.
rash_minority: mmhmm
pyleanwonder05: But, these are my issues and I'm far more interested in the happenings of your life. Tell me: what are your interests?
rash_minority: music
pyleanwonder05: that's right you're in a band. I've been meaning to ask you about that.
pyleanwonder05: First, what type of music do you play?
rash_minority: garage/punk/progressive
pyleanwonder05: And I assume that you're lead singer or do you have instrumental expertise as well?
rash_minority: yeah, I play rhythm guitar in addition to singing lead
pyleanwonder05: What coincidence. I play the guitar as well, although my style differs from yours.
pyleanwonder05: Do you have any favorite guitar players, by the way?
rash_minority: you don't know what my style is
pyleanwonder05: In terms of the style that you've provided in association with your band.
rash_minority: yeah, but that's not my style
pyleanwonder05: But, it was a bit presumptuous to assume that your style is similiar to the style of your band. I'm sorry if that offended you in anyway.
rash_minority: it didn't
rash_minority: my style is really just my own
rash_minority: I prefer acoustic music
rash_minority: it borders on r&b and rock
pyleanwonder05: I both respect and appreciate your individualness.
rash_minority: I also have appreciation for reggae, namely Bob Marley
pyleanwonder05: Hmmm. So, if I wanted to get a feel for your style...
pyleanwonder05: what artist would you suggest I listen to for their similarity?
rash_minority: I wouldn't.
rash_minority: I'd just give you a link to my music
http://www.purevolume.com/krisdelarashpyleanwonder05: Ah, thank you.
pyleanwonder05: Hmmm...the link isn't working. But I don't think its a result of the server. Give me one second. Let me check my own internet connection.
pyleanwonder05: Okay, I'm having trouble with my connection. I'll save the link, though, so that I may view it at another time.
pyleanwonder05: In the meantime, though, where does your band generally play?
rash_minority: usually at school showcases
pyleanwonder05: How long have you been playing?
rash_minority: 3 years
pyleanwonder05: Impressive. Is this somethign that you plan to pursue long-term or will you eventually branch off into a solo artist?
rash_minority: I'm not sure.
pyleanwonder05: Hold on. I want to talk more, but I need to restart my system.
pyleanwonder05: Sorry about that. Internet Explorer isn't the most reliable program in existence.
rash_minority: no
rash_minority: try mozilla firefox
pyleanwonder05: Yes I've received that tip from a number of people now. I heard that it has increased protection against threats and etc?
rash_minority: I'm not sure about all that. But, it's a lot better than IE.
pyleanwonder05: Well then that's good enough for me.
pyleanwonder05: Kristen, by any chance, are you a fan of literature?
rash_minority: Yes.
pyleanwonder05: Contemporary or classic?
rash_minority: both.
rash_minority: But, mostly contemporary.
pyleanwonder05: In constrast to that, I'm mostly a fan of classical.
pyleanwonder05: Do you have any favorite authors?
rash_minority: Well, classical literature was better thought out.
rash_minority: More original.
rash_minority: I don't have any favorites.
pyleanwonder05: Well, yes, in a sense, but classical literature wasn't necessarily a staple of originality so much as a result of uninformed times. When Dante first conceived of his Divine Comedy, it wasn't exactly novel concept; but because the nine levels of the Inferno had neve been touched upon before--except, perhaps in older religious constructs--his work gave the impression of originality.
rash_minority: Well, then the question becomes, should more credit go to the inventor of the wheel or the reinventor of the trendier, more efficient wheel?
rash_minority: I think about that whenever I hear a Kanye West song
pyleanwonder05: Well, to answer your question in accordance to my own opinion...
pyleanwonder05: I suppsoe the credit goes to the inventor of the wheel which lends credence to your originality assertion, mind you. But, in doing so, we also rob classical authors of their own uniqueness by paying homage to those that spawned the concepts on which they write.
pyleanwonder05: Are you religious, Kristen?
rash_minority: No. I'm spiritual.
pyleanwonder05: Good answer. Not many see a distinction between the two. Describe your personal spirituality?
rash_minority: I believe in god. I don't believe in people's interpretation of god.
rash_minority: I believe god is uninterested
rash_minority: I don't believe in Satan
rash_minority: I believe god created Satan to give himself purpose.
rash_minority: white is nothing if not relative to black
rash_minority: right?
pyleanwonder05: Increasingly good answers. You share some of my same philosophies--in that God cannot be labeled by human intellect--but I don't necessarily see him as uninterested. My criticism leads more toward incapability. God, to me, is an impotent deity who feeds off of the worship of his disillusioned followers.
rash_minority: well, my thoughts tend to get a little more abstract...
rash_minority: I think of god, strangely, in terms of The Matrix
rash_minority: not completely though
pyleanwonder05: Ha! Now that's ironic. When I think of Jesus--or yeshua--I think of Neo.
rash_minority: I believe there are other earths
rash_minority: and I believe god creates one, and moves on to another
rash_minority: necessity is the birth of invention
rash_minority: god needs purpose
rash_minority: god needs challenge
rash_minority: god creates problems
pyleanwonder05: Other Earth's as in replicants of our own distributed throughotu the universe, or other Earth's as in duplicates that exist in the same space as our own but vibrating at varying frequencies?
rash_minority: we are made as his juniors
rash_minority: and so we often create our own problems
rash_minority: because fixing them keeps us busy
rash_minority: gives us purpose
pyleanwonder05: And my question?
rash_minority: no, other earths as in planets that support human life, or some other living organisms
rash_minority: no wait
rash_minority: in other words, your first statement
rash_minority: I didn't think about it. I was lost in my own thought. I'm doing a bit too much at once.
rash_minority: forgive me
pyleanwonder05: Multitasking tends to distract. Believe me, you need no forgiveness. Your beliefs greatly interest me, though. May I question them (not in an attempt to disprove them but, rather, to better understand them)?
rash_minority: sure
pyleanwonder05: Thank you. I'll follow the scientist within me first. These other earths that you reference to, exactly how far are they in relation to ours (again, not a mocking question but simply a quantifiable one)
rash_minority: I have no idea.
rash_minority: Like I said, I'm an abstract thinker.
pyleanwonder05: Which is perfectly okay. I like to think of myself as one, but every so often I slip back into the folds of logical constraint; that mindset in turn motivates me to ask questions of a similiar mold as the one above. Your theory for multiple earths is an interesting one indeed, but I question: where do you form the basis for your theory?
rash_minority: logically, it seems stupid to believe with all the galaxies in the universe, there's only one planet that supports/sustains life.
pyleanwonder05: As provided by the Drake equation, but logica also dictates in the form of probablity that the conditions required for another planet to generate the same characteristics of our Earth is astoundingly low.
pyleanwonder05: Thus, other planets that support life are indeed logical, but not necessarily mamallian life.
rash_minority: I never said they supported human life.
pyleanwonder05: Well, you said multiple Earths so I naturally assumed that you implied Earth-specific lifeforms. Tell me something, though...
rash_minority: yes?
pyleanwonder05: if other Earth's do indeed exist and support lifeforms that are scientifically inferior to humanity, then where is the challenge for God that you spoke of earlier? Would creating organisms of a simpler nature truly be a challenge to one with some degree of omnipotence?
pyleanwonder05: Earths*
pyleanwonder05: Also, good browser recommendation. This mozilla works quite well.
pyleanwonder05: Kristen?
rash_minority: You know, I'm going to be honest with you. I don't read a lot of scientific literature, so I'm not familiar with many of the equations and theories you're referring to.
pyleanwonder05: You don't have to [have knowledge of that scientific literature that you refer to], Kristen. In fact, your not-knowing is one of the things that make you so alluring. Too often I find myself speaking to a "panel" of aspiring scientists and logically based individuals. Your abstract thought is refreshing.
pyleanwonder05: The reason I question you is to peer deeper into those thought processes, not to discredit them.
pyleanwonder05: You seem distracted. Are you sure that you're okay with my asking?
rash_minority: it's fine.
rash_minority: again, I am multi-tasking.
rash_minority: however, I don't mind at all.
pyleanwonder05: Okay, then. Just as long as I'm not offending you. Sicne you're divided though, I'll switch to a more entertaining topic :). The ending of the Matrix: Revolutions--what happened according to your opinion?
rash_minority: Honestly, I don't quite remember. I've been meaning to watch a Matrix marathon, including The Animatrix
pyleanwonder05: That will take quite a large chunk of time. Neo's Birth to his symblic Death? Wow.
rash_minority: lol. yeah.
pyleanwonder05: What do you think Agent Smith was in relatoin to Neo?
pyleanwonder05: oops
pyleanwonder05: relation to Neo*
rash_minority: Hmmm...I'm not sure.
rash_minority: I'd jokingly say the Jews
rash_minority: but you don't know me well enough...might think I'm racist
pyleanwonder05: lol I never saw it that way before! But, rest assured: I don't think that you're racist; you're too open minded to be such a thing.
rash_minority: ha ha.
rash_minority: I'm a nut.
pyleanwonder05: But a lovable one.
pyleanwonder05: Do you want to hear my theory..well theories as to what role Smith plays?
rash_minority: sure.
pyleanwonder05: Okay. Don't laugh if you find them absurd, though.
pyleanwonder05: Well, actually, do laugh. I do enjoy criticism..but anyhow
rash_minority: fair enough
pyleanwonder05: Theory 1: Given the fact that Smith was resurrected as a result of his interaction with Neo's specific, messianic code, it can be said with some degree of certainty that Smith is merely the negative foil for our monotonic Keanu Reeves. Both Neo and Smith are gifted with the same abilities in the Matrix, but their indivdiual ideologies create opposition between them (i.e. Neo wants to free mankind from the system while Smith wants to destroy both mankind and the system)
pyleanwonder05: You may be saying to yourself, well, if Smith wants to destroy the system isn't he a quasi-ally of Neo by extrapolation?
pyleanwonder05: I say no. Smith is nihilistic in his philosophy, meaning his ultimate goal is the utter destruction of quite simply everything. He no more cares about the plight of the human race than he does the hair on the Architect's head.
pyleanwonder05: You may also be thinking, But wait! There's something that you didn't explain, Rashad. You said that Smith was created through the intermingling of his code with Neo's. What's that all about?
pyleanwonder05: That, Kristen, leads to my second theory...
pyleanwonder05: Theory 2: theory one assumes that smith is independent of the Matrix considering his disregard for it; theory two places Smith as an integral part of the system (how do you like dem apples? ::sigh::...I disappoint myself with cliches)
pyleanwonder05: If Neo is in fact the One but is nevertheless subject to the control of the Matrix, one has to question the method in which the Matrix controls its messiahs. Most would assume in the form of the Architect considering he gives a very dualist choice to Neo as well as his five predecessors...
pyleanwonder05: but what happens when the One doesn't choose the ideal option? What happens when he embodies free will!? Well, that's where Smith comes in.
pyleanwonder05: Smith is Neo's negative and therefore SUPPOSED to be his opponent; he is the Matrix's answer to Neo's increased abilities and emerging sense of free will.
pyleanwonder05: It goes a bit deeper than that, but first I want your thoughts lol
rash_minority: hmmm
rash_minority: sounds to me like it's man v. a lesser embodiment of god
rash_minority: kinda like, the superman spoken of by Nietzche
rash_minority: versus Christ
pyleanwonder05: In Nietzsche's case, though, the Ubermensch isn't exactly an antagonist to God so much as the relgiion that men subscribe to.
pyleanwonder05: religion*
pyleanwonder05: darn typos
pyleanwonder05: But I do see your point. If Smith is merely an extention of the system, as asserted by theory two, then Neo represents the will of man--or as Nietzsche would say: the will to power--to overcome his constraints.
pyleanwonder05: Are you a student of Nietzsche?
rash_minority: no.
rash_minority: but I'm mildly familiar of his philosophy
pyleanwonder05: What do you think of his theories concerning christianity?
rash_minority: I agree on many levels, but don't get me started on Christianity
pyleanwonder05: Same here. Christianity--and, beyond that, Catholicism--really irks me. But, as you said, that's another conversation for another time.
pyleanwonder05: Will you be at target hope this Saturday, Kristen?
rash_minority: Yes.
pyleanwonder05: As will I. Did you enjoy our last seminar, with the college student lectures?
rash_minority: yeah, a lot of them are friends of mine
pyleanwonder05: I surmised as much considering your sensitive artist statement :). I do admire the fact that you'll be studying art and art history though. It kind of inspires me to follow my less economically fulfilling but more personally gratifying dream.
rash_minority: which is?
pyleanwonder05: To delve into international studies. Specifically, I'd like to be a diplomat althoguh I have no peculiar love of politics--I simply want the travel perks. Linguistics also interest me which may influence me to become a translator.
pyleanwonder05: By any chance have you ever heard of Nancy Kress?
rash_minority: No.
pyleanwonder05: Her novels deal with the effects of genetic manipulation and the philosophy of those born different from soceity's status quo.
rash_minority: Hmmm... any references to homosexuality?
rash_minority: or should I say allusions?
pyleanwonder05: ::thinks back to text::...possibly. It's kind of obscure but here it is: in the novel, "those born different" are of that conditon because of genetic tampering during fetal development. thus, their immune systems and metabolisms function at astoudning efficiency. In addition to that, these superhumans also receive a substantial boost in their intelligence which creates an obsession with intellectual fields and a neglect toward reproduction...some characters are criticized because of their seeming reluctance to engage in heterosexual play
rash_minority: lol
pyleanwonder05: lol I said it was obscure.
rash_minority: Well, most lesbians I know are highly intelligent.
pyleanwonder05: I can't say the same. The few that I do know either choose not to display their intelligence or are lacking in that field.
rash_minority: lol, oh really?
pyleanwonder05: lol I think so, anyway. It might be wrong of me to generalize so let me rephrase. Of the few that I do know, MOSt of them seem to be lackign in intelligence. But there are at least....five that could be untapped geniuses.
pyleanwonder05: I always have the best discussions with them. Politics, literature, philosophy, sexuality, religion, you name it. Then, the others--well, most of the time I help them remember the remaining 15 letters of the 26 unit Latin alphabet. Good times really.
pyleanwonder05: What is your sexuality, Kristen (forgive the absence of tact, and if you are uncomfortable answering then please do not)
rash_minority: I'm a lesbian, explaining my laughter
pyleanwonder05: Do you mind if I ask you some personal questions, then?
rash_minority: I'll tell you when you go too r.
rash_minority: *far
pyleanwonder05: Thank you. My questions won't be too prodding though. In fact, you've probably been subject to them before. For instance, when did you discover your sexuality?
rash_minority: when you say that, do you mean when did I accept my identity or when did I realize my attraction to those of the same gender?
pyleanwonder05: Both, actually, if neither is too personal.
rash_minority: at the age of 3, I can remember wanting to kiss Mariah Carey
pyleanwonder05: Well, at age three that isn't too unusual. Sexual identity at such a ripe age is vague at best. But, there are exceptions as is probably the case here. Did you have difficulty accepting your sexuality at first?
rash_minority: well, I'm just saying, that was the earliest I can remember
rash_minority: Well, difficulty, no.
rash_minority: Everyone else had difficulty, and I knew that'd be the case.
rash_minority: I knew I was gay.
rash_minority: I was 9 or 10 with a browsing habit.
rash_minority: and by browsing habit, I mean a pornographic one.
rash_minority: lol
pyleanwonder05: lol I kind of figured.
rash_minority: I can remember wanting to kiss girls. I never really felt bad doing so, either.
pyleanwonder05: Which is important in terms of your comfortability with your identity
rash_minority: I never really felt ashamed. I just opted out of ruffling feathers so to speak with my preference.
pyleanwonder05: Hmmm. Are you open with your sexuality, or did you simply tell me because of your immense trust in someone that you've known for so long ;)?
rash_minority: Actually, I'm more open with strangers than I am with people to whom I'm close.
rash_minority: I can tell strangers anything.
rash_minority: They don't have to live with my thoughts, opinions, or decisions.
rash_minority: It probably speaks to my trust issues.
pyleanwonder05: Granted. I want to become closer to you though; does the mean that I must remain aloof for you to confide in me and etc?
rash_minority: The fact of the matter is, you probably have a better chance of getting to know me from a far, than you do of getting to know me up close.
rash_minority: I'm just dysfunctional in that respect
pyleanwonder05: That presents quite the conundrum then. Sacrifice closeness for understanding, or understanding for a greater emotional bond?
rash_minority: I'm really not that interesting.
pyleanwonder05: Everyone is interesting, with particular emphasis on you. How many people have abstract thinking processes...how many people can listen to my matrix theories without fleeing in revulsion lol?
rash_minority: lol.
rash_minority: I suppose.
pyleanwonder05: I personally believe that you have all of the qualities that I look for in a close friend. Although you've probably figured this out, I praise individuality, and most of my friends conform to indivduality (hehe my thirty-second epigram! it's a record).
pyleanwonder05: But, more to the point, I think a friendship between you and I could be fruitful.
rash_minority: ah.
rash_minority: So what style do you play?
pyleanwonder05: I don't know if there's a name for it; but I suppose you could use three main adjectives to describe it: hard, power-chord-heavy (yes that's ONE term), and Tremonti-inspired (again).
rash_minority: So then, what kind of music do you like?
pyleanwonder05: Everything...with the exception of country. I listen to almost every style. But in terms of my playing style? Harder rock--along the lines of Alter Bridge, Creed (don't laugh), Guns n roses, etc.
rash_minority: oh god
pyleanwonder05: Oh no. Judging by that phrase I take it you're not too fond of those styles>
pyleanwonder05: ?*
rash_minority: my guitarist likes Alter Bridge
rash_minority: I don't
rash_minority: Scott Stapp is a joke
rash_minority: Music for me, is like philosophy and literature for you.
rash_minority: I'm extremely critical.
rash_minority: I often judge people based upon their musical tastes.
pyleanwonder05: ::gasp:: then what do you think of me, Kristen?
rash_minority: I'm not sure yet. You'll have to list more of your favorite artists.
rash_minority: But I'm disappointed.
rash_minority: I expected you to have a more sophisticated musical palette.
pyleanwonder05: Well, make a deal with me. What is your opinion of me now, with just our recent conversations? Then I'll list my artists after which you can give me your revised opinion.
rash_minority: Perhaps one more esoteric
pyleanwonder05: Well, Alter Bridge is only one of my artist choices, Kristen. I haven't listed any of my more archaic tastes.
rash_minority: well, by all means, please do.
pyleanwonder05: Ah ah! I believe we have a contract above. I want your current opinion :)
rash_minority: You remind me a lot of a good friend of mine actually.
pyleanwonder05: :;waits for elaboration::
rash_minority: Only, you seem to be a little less (no offense) down-to-earth about your intelligence.
pyleanwonder05: Why the "no-offense" remark? Doesn't down-to-earth imply that I am devoid of all arrogance and conceit?
rash_minority: not devoid of all arrogance and conceit, because my friend Matthew is by no means devoid of all arrogance and conceit
pyleanwonder05: If I'm like your friend Matthew, but with a more down-to-earth disposistion--and Matthew is presumably arrogant with his gifts--then wouldn't that make me...humble and modest?
rash_minority: no
rash_minority: I said, you're less down-to-earth
pyleanwonder05: ::scrolls back up::
rash_minority: hence, no-offense
pyleanwonder05: Ah, that you did.
pyleanwonder05: My apologies.
rash_minority: no need.
pyleanwonder05: In what way do you perceive me as atop Clould Nine then (hehe forgive the expression; I was in need of a cliche)?
rash_minority: well, I say that because when Matthew relates to me, he doesn't use a blur of intricate words, or seasoned allusions.
rash_minority: Rather, he saves that for people of lesser intelligence.
pyleanwonder05: Interesting. So he belittles those of a perceived lesser intelligence through his diction and allusion?
rash_minority: lol, yes.
pyleanwonder05: lol how very compassionate of him.
rash_minority: hence, "he is by no means devoid of arrogance and conceit"
pyleanwonder05: I'll have to meet this Matthew one day. I do have a quiver of curiosity though...
pyleanwonder05: On a numerical scale of one to ten, where would you rate my intelligence?
rash_minority: I'm not sure.
rash_minority: somewhere between 7 and 9, 5 being average
rash_minority: I'll have to talk to you more to discern any further.
pyleanwonder05: Hmmm....it isn't fair to ask this I know, considering you know him on a deeper level, but where would you place your friend Matthew...as well as yourself?
rash_minority: Matthew is an 8.8
rash_minority: he's a brilliant writer
rash_minority: I'm a 7
rash_minority: plain and simple
rash_minority: I'm above average at everything
rash_minority: but excellent at nothing
pyleanwonder05: That's not true, at least, not from my standpoint.
rash_minority: I get that a lot. But that's how I personally feel.
pyleanwonder05: Granted, and I wouldn't try to change your personal perceptions, but, Kristen, you obviously have a passion for music. Most empassioned individuals have a particular excellence in the field which they feel so strongly for.
rash_minority: Someone once told me the difference between an average man and a genius is patience
rash_minority: I don't know.
rash_minority: I'm not that good on guitar.
rash_minority: And I'm not that amazing a vocalist.
rash_minority: But when I take the time, I come of with music of which I can be proud.
rash_minority: most of the time anyway
rash_minority: *up
pyleanwonder05: But therein lies subjectivity, Kristen. You say that you aren't that good on the guitar. Well, Slash once said the same thing and I don't think that I have to elaborate on the folly of that statement. You say that your vocals aren't anything spectacular in so many words. This is strictly subjective. I haven't heard your signing voice as of yet, but I may just find it wonderful...awe-inspiring..vivid...any number of positive adjectives lol
rash_minority: lol
rash_minority: highly unlikely
pyleanwonder05: Do you say that because you feel a disparaty in our tastes, or do you say that because of a lack of confidence in your own talent?
rash_minority: I don't have a lack of confidence in my talent
rash_minority: the way I see it
rash_minority: ...
rash_minority: by me being above average, there are a lot of people that are worst than me
rash_minority: but there are also a lot of people better than me
rash_minority: I don't feel as though I have a lack of confidence so much as I have a leveled impression of my talent
pyleanwonder05: That's dangerous. Don't mistake me, though: having a sense of your limitations is wise because it gives you a foundation on which to improve. But to constrain yourself to that level of limitation..threin lies certain artistic and intellectual death.
rash_minority: I don't constrain myself to anything.
rash_minority: I write music thinking, "Wow, as long as this is better than a nursery rhyme, I'm pleased"
rash_minority: Far from it.
pyleanwonder05: ....and she says she's not interesting. lol
rash_minority: I'm really not.
pyleanwonder05: You are
pyleanwonder05: Actually, here's a testament to your level of interest (that nicely segues into my next topic)...
rash_minority: yes?
pyleanwonder05: Kristen, usually I go to bed at around ten in order to allow my insomnia the two hours that it requires to fade. Tonight, I'm sitting at my computer and it's nearly one o clock. That doesn't scream interesting to you? lol
rash_minority: ah, I do it all the time. Ironically enough, talking with Matthew.
pyleanwonder05: The similarities never cease!
rash_minority: ha ha
rash_minority: he usually listens to my relationship problems, while throwing in absurd solutions and self-depricating humor
pyleanwonder05: ::curses internally:: that means you already have the position of Psychiatrist-with-sardonic-wit fulfilled. ::pouts::
rash_minority: *deprecating
rash_minority: lol
pyleanwonder05: I'm purposeless now lol
rash_minority: not necessarily.
pyleanwonder05: Do tell.
rash_minority: I have enough issues to go around.
pyleanwonder05: Hmm...I want to express gratitude but my moral fiber forbids me. lol not really ;)
rash_minority: ha ha.
rash_minority: I should've warned you, I'm good for self-deprecating humor as well.
pyleanwonder05: As am I, but my spontanaity is off. Usually, my S-D humor comes on the tailend of a witty observation or realtion. It's never quite independent.
rash_minority: ah.
pyleanwonder05: Well, Kristen, my new friend, I think I may have to resign myself for the night. I can barely see your text because my retina have been all but burned away in our long, but entrancing conversation. I trust I'll talk to you tomorrow night?
rash_minority: yeah. I should be online.
rash_minority: Doing my homework at the last minute.
pyleanwonder05: Ditto!!! I especially like to prolong the lengthy, percentage-heavy projects
rash_minority: lol.
rash_minority: Yeah.
rash_minority: Well, Goodnight.
pyleanwonder05: Goodnight my friend.