Oct 19, 2004 21:11
omg i have been so damn tired.
like i have never been this tired...utterly fatigued.
even wen i sleep for execssive amounts of time.
im thinking it might be the new meds im on from the dermatologist. maaybe.
i got some new clothes. not alot just a few pairs of pants and like 2shirts. it should hold me over. :/
so last week friday i went to the scare at the fair! it was so scary. i mean i scare ENTIRELY too easily. but i like.. genuinely get freaked out at haunted hosues. it is SO much fuun.
this friday a bunch of us are going there again. hey thats cool i dont mind, i wont be so freaked out. ill know whats comin...heheeeedont worry i def wont blow it for any of you. its def the cheapest there too. there are free 2 dollar passes at mcdonalds. werd.
yea so...this study hall is..discontinued? damnit all to hell. i enjoy the use of these computers. :)
my senior pics are gone. im gonna order more. its only 5 bucks for 24.
work today. shitty.
yea today i def slept in. didnt get to do my hair or makeup. *gags* i was pissed.
and my sister is gonna make me pay her gas money for her taking me to eryns every moring? yea screw that she can take that up with my mother. she is my legal guardian right now. and its the only thing she ever does for the family these days.
ok im out for now ill cya around. haha..." *quiver* cya-round!"