(no subject)

Dec 29, 2004 11:08

  • *. . . WOULD YOU RATHER . . .*
    1) pierce your nose or tongue? tongue .. definitley :oP
    2) be serious or be funny? funny <333
    3) drink whole or skim milk? neither .. im  anti- anything good for me to eat .. no veggies .. no fruits .. no milk ..

    * . . . ARE YOU . . .*
    4) simple or complicated? complicated because now i realize who my real friends are .. and who wants to know me ..

    * . . . DO YOU PREFER . . . *
    5) flowers or angels? angels
    6) grey or gray? grey .. idk?
    7) color or black-and-white photos? black and white .. so romantic<33
  • 8) lust or love? either is good :o)
    9) sunrise or sunset? sunset
    10) M&Ms or Skittles? skittles .. (btw cory and sean ..  i changed it to SHARE the rainbow ) haha
    11) rap or rock? either or  .. but preferred rock
    12) staying up late or waking up early? staying up late<333
    15) eating apples or oranges? neither .. im against them .. and i have never eaten either :o) haha

    * . . . ANSWER TRUTHFULLY . . . *
    16) Do you have a crush? suree
  • 17) How long have you had it? umm a long time .. hmm a couple years .. haha no more details .. :o)

  • * . . . DO YOU PREFER . . . *
    18) being hot or cold? hott
    19) tall or short members of the opposite sex? TALL!  god i hate short boyss<33
    21) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best
    23) sun or rain? sun
    24) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? chocolate bitchhes
    25) boys or girls? boys<3333333
    26) green beans or carrots? once again i have never tried either so .. neither .. haha

    * . . . MISCELLANEOUS . . . *
    27) What is your biggest fear in the world? spiders
    28) Kids or no kids? kids. but im a pain freak so idk :o/
  • 29) Cat or dog? kittyy<33
    30) Half empty or half full? half full
    31) ketchup or mustard? neither both are nasty to me .. im picky<3
    32) Hard cover books or soft cover books? doesnt matter, good ones
    33) Newspaper or magazine? magazine
    34) Sandals or sneakers? sandals
    35) Red car or white car? red<333
    36) Happy and poor or unhappy and rich? wow thats hard .. because if i was rich i WOULD be happy .. lol idk
    37) Singing or dancing? singing
    38) Hugging or kissing? kisses
    39) Corduroy or plain? plain ..
    40) Happy or sad? happy
    41) Purple or green? light purple
    42) Blondes or brunettes? brunettes bitch .. guys with brown hair are fucking hott <3 :o)

    * . . . WHAT DO YOU WANT . . . *
    Where do you want to live? LA or Santa Barbara
    How many kids do you want? 2- if any
    What kind of job do you want? lawyer .. or psycologist

    * . . . WHICH IS BETTER . . . *
    2 doors or 4 (on a car): 2
    Coffee or ice cream? oh coffee .. most def .. i live for coffee
    Shampoo or conditioner? conditioner
    Bridges or tunnels? bridges ..
    One pillow or two? 5 :o)

    * . . . WORD ASSOCIATION . . . *(
    Rock? out with your cock out (thank you alex you've ruined my mind forever since you say that)
    Green? gold
    Crying? smiling
    Peanut? butter
    Roses? are red
    Summer? sarah and joe!!!! :o))))))))))))))))))))))))))
    Winter? snow

    ** . . . FAVORITES . . . *
    Salad dressing? none .. anti salad
    Food? chicken .. of any type
    Alcoholic drink? hmm prolly martini .. but shhhh ..
    Non-alcoholic drink? pepsi<3333333

    * . . . RANDOM QUESTIONS . . . *
    When was your last hospital check-in? haha almost over the summer when i had food poisioning with chelsea and christina  .. hahahhah and then we called alex and told him me and chels needed emergency surgery .. lmmfao .. kick ass times ..  :o)
  • Where do you see yourself in 10 years? law school :o/
  • have you ever been convicted of a crime? nope
    Are you open minded? pretty much
    Can you be in love with two people at the same time? prolly .. it depends
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