Jan 13, 2006 16:18
I'd thought I'd gotten rid of you
But you are like a disease
We crossed eachother like two black cats
You smiled I shook
I never knew someone that could do so much pain
Don't you remember??
That night
That place
That couch
Why do you betray the ones that love you??
I loved you
You could've cared less
I was broken
Because you didn't stop
You knew it was wrong
I can't believe I met you
In His house
I'm tired of the looks
You are like a misketo flying around the light in my room
No thanks to you
I was saved by Him since that night
He's the one that helped me
Not you
Why do you do the sinful and wretched things that you do??
You told me you were pure
You wanted to serve Him
I guess you've changed your mind
I'll bet she makes you happy
Bet you make her happy
Does she know about us??
Right, I didn't think so
You're egotistical self can't admit can you??
Why did I waste
The time
The paper
The emotions
The love
The heartbreak
The phone calls
You're just a good for nothing memory
That song is right when they say that anything can happen in one year
It made me think of us
I didn't feel the emotions until I saw you again
Now here I am
I have someone now
He makes me feel like a princess
You made me feel like a maid
Is that what I am to you??
I don't even care anymore
Our time together was