I wants to have my vacation starting

Dec 13, 2006 16:13

Last full day in Corner Brook...woot! After watching movies and tv on dvd for days, the amount of stuff I have left to do has kinda caught up with me. But I made a to do list, and there are only 4 things left. English exam tomorrow that I'm not entirely prepared for, but I'm not gonna sweat it. After the ridiculousness that was this semester, I kinda stopped caring about academia for awhile. So, leaving tomorrow, then 25 hours later, arriving in the sack de ville. I am excited about the hijinks that will occur there, and I now hear that some stephenville-ites are there for a dinner theatre of sorts, and that they have been frequenting Ducky's(as any sane person would do whilst in sackville). So I must track them down at some point..actually seeing their show is sadly out of the question as I have to be on team thrifty until Montreal is over and I am back on the island. We have one more person potentially involved in the Dawson City meets Montreal New Years Extravaganza!!! These shall be the most ridiculous two days of life! After brief stints in sackville, and f-ton, I get home home on the 21st. The 22nd already has plans in motion, as does probably every day. It's not going to be the most restful of Christmas vacations, but it's going to be freakin' fabulous. I can't wait to get off the bus in sackville because then it starts!
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