Picspam: Orange Flirting - Clark/Lois - 8x19 Stiletto - Smallville

Sep 24, 2009 23:03

:: This is the last picspam for summerofclois and my entry for this month challenge @ picspammy :) (it also meets the criteria for the picspam challenge @ smallville , so we could say this is a three in one)

Lois: Nothing like a double-frosted bear claw to ease the pain of a flesh wound, right?

Lois: Oh, and I, uh, didn't know whether you wanted your copies single-sided or double, so I did both, and then I thought, "Hmm, three-holed or no-holed?" And I didn't know, so I did both, which is why there's... so many.
Clark: Lois, you didn't have to do all this.

Clark: But thank you.

Clark: Looks like you got your cover story after all.
Lois: I guess.

Clark: you guess? The last time your name was above the fold, you held a champagne toast. Is there something about this article that's still
bothering you?

Lois: Fine, I admit it. Sometimes, the Lois "Fast" Lane ambition ramps into cruise control and gets away from me.
Clark: Those mob guys would still be on the street if you hadn't come to my rescue.

Lois: your rescue? Yeah, right. You're the one with the...

Lois: Smallvile, if you hadn't been there to...
Clark: You're welcome Lois.

Clark: I hope this means that Stiletto's hanging up her heels for good.
Lois: Gladly. Those heels were giving my blisters blisters. Besides, if Manheim had better aim, you'd be dead. And it was really sweet of you to, you know... Throw yourself in there, but, uh... I never should have put you in danger. It's not like you save lives for a living.

Clark: No, there's only one Red-Blue Blur
Lois: Honestly, I don't envy the guy. After walking a mile in Stiletto's shoes, I was reminded that I am not cut out for that life of solitude.
Clark: I didn't know there was room for introspection underneath that costume.
Lois: Wow... Look who got grazed by a funny bullet.

Lois: You weren't gonna eat this, were you?

:: Screencaps by Snap @ Divine Intervention .
:: Follow undianormal for updates
:: Comments make me feel really good about myself.

smallville-verse, character: clark kent, character: lois lane, 2009, !picspam, fandom: smallville/superman, ship: lois/clark

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