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[video] wasinnocent February 14 2012, 19:48:05 UTC
It'd have to be one damn elaborate joke, wouldn't it?


[video] morethanwhoiam February 15 2012, 05:37:29 UTC
A little too elaborate to be real. I think I've graduated from "joke" to "this is clearly some kind of hallucination brought on by trauma."


[video] wasinnocent February 15 2012, 05:41:04 UTC
Wouldn't that mean we're all just figments of this hallucination? So, really, by talking to me, you're just talking to yourself?


[video] morethanwhoiam February 16 2012, 03:37:34 UTC
It wouldn't be the first time. I mean... talking to myself, not hallucinations. This is definitely a first for that.


[video] wasinnocent February 16 2012, 06:55:42 UTC
These are all pretty individualistic hallucinations, aren't they?


[video] morethanwhoiam February 17 2012, 04:55:50 UTC
The bigger question is, why couldn't I just hallucinate a nice, sunny beach somewhere instead of this place?


[video] wasinnocent February 17 2012, 05:26:48 UTC
Probably because this isn't actually a hallucination. Or I suppose, it could just as easily be because nobody ever has good hallucinations.


[video] morethanwhoiam February 19 2012, 22:40:57 UTC
I don't think I'm quite at the point where I can accept this being anything other than a hallucination. But say on the off chance that it's not, why the hell are we even here?


[video] wasinnocent February 20 2012, 03:35:50 UTC
Some sort of experiment to save our universes or something equally stupid like that.


[video] morethanwhoiam February 20 2012, 06:08:36 UTC
Save our universes from what?


[video] wasinnocent February 20 2012, 09:32:24 UTC
Evidently the gods thing we've fucked up our worlds so much that they're trying to decide if they're even worth existing.


[video] morethanwhoiam February 21 2012, 00:37:32 UTC
Unfortunately, there are some days when I might just agree with them.


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