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pcgwenc February 14 2012, 05:02:56 UTC
Well no that's cause it's not really funny is it?

[Honestly, she's not being sarcastic here]

I'd say I'm sorry but, well. It's a bit insulting really given where you are and all.

So yeah. Questions?


morethanwhoiam February 14 2012, 05:35:03 UTC
More than I can even count.

[Sorry, Gwen, you missed depressed and just caught her at pissed the hell off.]

I want to know where I am and why I'm being detained here.


pcgwenc February 14 2012, 05:48:29 UTC
[Oh that's ok. You should have seen her flip out]

Look. I can explain as much as I can but honestly you're just going to think I'm mad. Basically, you're in a place called the Underworld. I wish I could tell you exactly why you personally are here, but it's all a bit random really and the powers that be aren't so big on giving information.

[She offers her a sympathetic smile when the invisible light bulb went off above her head]

Detained... You wouldn't happen to be a Police Officer would you?

[Well come on, how many people used that word]

Or a Lawyer?


morethanwhoiam February 14 2012, 05:56:27 UTC
[Beckett's ready to drill her for more information but the question catches her off guard. She looks at the other women suspiciously.]

NYPD. Detective Kate Beckett, homicide. Which is exactly why whoever brought me here should send me back! Someone's gonna figure out I'm missing pretty quick! [That last part is more yelled in the ferryman's direction than the girl on the feed, to be fair.]


pcgwenc February 14 2012, 06:04:19 UTC
Detective? Nice one. Police Constable Gwen Cooper. Or well I was. I'm in Special Ops now.

[Well lets face it, that was easier than explaining she hunted aliens for a living]

And Kate - you don't mind if I call you Kate do you? That's the problem about this place. Time has effectively stopped. [There's really nothing enjoyable about destroying a person's hope]

The people back home, I'm sorry, but they won't know you're gone.


morethanwhoiam February 15 2012, 05:10:47 UTC
[Kate doesn't care if Gwen called her Agnes at that point, to be honest. She's too busy staring with her mouth hanging open.]

That's not possible. Time doesn't just stop.


pcgwenc February 20 2012, 21:21:58 UTC
Well no, not here it doesn't, but there it does. [How the hell did she ever comprehend this?] Imagine a year here is little more than a millisecond back home?

[That wasn't entirely accurate but it was easier to explain things that way]

The point is, whatever you thought wasn't possible, it is. You just didn't know it until now.


morethanwhoiam February 21 2012, 03:47:15 UTC
All I know is that right now? I have a headache.


pcgwenc February 21 2012, 09:51:52 UTC
Side effect of finding out about this place. Sorry.

[She really was, though it was no doubt hard to take anyone seriously right now]

Look, you must have questions and... well I'll answer them as best I can, you just sort of have to get past the whole, this place isn't real bit first...


morethanwhoiam February 24 2012, 07:19:04 UTC
Let's start with that. What do you mean not real?


pcgwenc February 24 2012, 09:18:27 UTC
Well, I mean. [How the hell had anyone explained this to her] Not real as in, well it is see. I know you think it's a dream or a nightmare I suppose but. Not a dream, very real and strange and a complete headfuck half the time but... well you won't be waking up in your own bed any time soon, yeah?


morethanwhoiam February 24 2012, 18:20:36 UTC
Okay, so let me get this straight... We're in the Underworld, but not everyone is dead. It's not exactly real, but it's not all in our heads either. And whoever is keeping us here is just going to spent their time jacking us around and driving us crazy, and we can't escape.

[She's never been in a situation this hopeless before, and it's driving her insane.]


pcgwenc February 24 2012, 22:51:27 UTC
[Gwen frowned, wrinkles creasing her brow as she looked at the other woman. She reminded her a little of her, but not when she came here, when she first met Jack]

Right, well mostly. It is very real, I assure you. It's just not the real you and once knew. Things here don't work the same way. You can die for example, but you don't stay dead. And yeah, the locals, they're all walking dead and even some of the people who were brought here but for the most part...

[God it really did sound insane, and she was the one saying it!]

We're supposedly here because they want to test us. Which yeah, it translates to them messing us about every chance they get but as for finding a way out? I don't even know if that's possible.


morethanwhoiam February 25 2012, 22:18:44 UTC
[Kate winces. She's not too worried about the dead part, since she's already pretty much figured out where she stands with that.]

Finding a way out gets a little harder when we know that no one on the outside is looking for us. What I don't get is mixing the dead with the living... What's the point of even bringing people here if they are still alive? It doesn't make any sense.


pcgwenc February 26 2012, 02:22:20 UTC
Oh well pfft. [When words just aren't possible] Bollocks if I know. I don't think anyone really gets this place. All we know is that we're here and we have to prove ourselves to be worthy of saving or some crap. Not sure I believe it. All sounds like a loud of shit if you ask me.


morethanwhoiam February 28 2012, 06:42:42 UTC
[Apparently Gwen's mouth was just what Kate needed, because that makes her laugh.] Well put. I'm pretty sure I already hate this place.


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