003 [Video]

Nov 20, 2011 16:35

[Zack is standing, Buster held up so that his face is hidden behind the blade.]

Pride, honor, dreams...

[His voice isn't it's normal upbeat tone. Instead it's empty and after a moment he lets out a cold laugh. When he speaks again the tone is no longer empty, but angry.]

Lotta good it did me. All it got me was dead and for what? Nothing! I shouldn't have died! Especially for something so stupid!

[Laughing again, not at all like Zack's good natured laugh.]

And this place... there's three people here who lead to me being like this. The so-called Hero General, the coward teacher and now the useless legacy. One dead, one set for death, the other gets to live the life I should have. I wonder...what happens to someone when they die in the Underworld?

[He lowers the blade, his face finally seen. The mako eyes are empty and the smile on his face twisted.]

Let's find out.

constantine: john constantine, ffvii: cloud strife

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