[The feed starts with a familiar voice talking from far off, but nothing can be properly made out.
Eventually, however, the words start to get louder, until the oarsman's boat knocks against the docks...to knock off slightly at the weight of the panda in his boat.
He rows forward.
A few feet back.
Rows forward again.
Finally, he rows forward and sticks the oar firmly in the dirt to keep the fat in his boat from knocking it backwards. The black and white fat, that is.]
And Dad was all talking about how he should cook, you know, since I saved China and all, but no...I mean, he raised me, you know? So clearly I should have cooked...then, fine, we'll cook together...but no, Dad said he was going to cook and that was that...and then, well, we had dinner and a little tofu birthday cake with the pig and his mom and I went to bed, and here I am again. I mean, you could've picked me up from worse places, right?
[He picks up a small,
dirty panda doll, looking at it with a sigh.]
You know, like. You're a good listener. People should pay you for it. Ooh! You could write a book thing...the ones in the library, you know? I'd read it. I'm sure it'd be totally awesome.
[Still, oar is firm in the ground. Po stands...the boat rocks back. Charon quickly moves it so that it connects to the docks again. What fattery is this?]
Okay, so. Thanks, man.
[He finally notices Charon's trouble with his weight and looks sheepish, then chuckles.]
I have lost weight, okay. It's not as bad as it could be.
[He doesn't hesitate to step on the land, waving furry fingers as Charon takes his leave. The doll goes limp in his paws.]
All right, little guy. Time to find that, uh, tablet thing. Get the 411. I think you'll like it here, even if I haven't seen any radishes.
[The doll, of course, says nothing.]