[oo1] Video

Aug 26, 2011 01:35

[A certain someone has been here for some hours now, but had been trying to figure things out on his own. Having gotten the tablet to respond to him after some fiddling, he'd managed to find the map by accident while going through menus and what not. So he'd wheeled up north towards what he figured would have other people milling about. Someone to tell him what was going on exactly. Stopping just inside the residential area he'll press two fingers to the side of his temple, skimming the surface thoughts of those around him.

The Underworld.

What a charming name for this place.]

I've been sleeping fitfully lately, but this is a bit ridiculous.

[A nightmare or perhaps the children had been watching too many horror movies lately. Could be effecting his subconsciousness at night. And he turns on the the tablet again, wondering if it would give him any more information, when he finds some sort of function that seems to want him to speak to people. He doesn't realize it's video though as he gives it a go.]

Who exactly do I thank for this one way trip, if I may inquire?

wildcats: priscilla kitaen [voodoo], resident evil: jill valentine, marvel: laura kinney, the hollows: ivy tamwood, persona 3: shinjiro aragaki, marvel: remy lebeau, heralds of valdemar: starwind k'treva, fatal frame iv: misaki asou

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