[video] - sometime later tonight

Jul 08, 2011 15:13

[Utena's walking outside of her apartment, trying to find a place that is populated at this hour. Even a bar sounds like a good idea even though she wouldn't drink anything herself. She couldn't stay in her apartment after hearing constant creaking and thumping noises that she can't seem to trace. At first she had wondered if this was a dream. But it can't be a dream if she's wondering if it is a dream, right?]

Hey...is there anyone still awake? [A loooooong yawn. What time is it?] I heard about the nightmares becoming real but...[*THUMP!* Her eyes are alert again as she turns around. Nothing. Nothing horrifying so far anyway. Just creepy. She resumes walking.]

We should try to help keep each other awake. [Gotta stay awake, she says. But there she is taking a seat on a bench. A nice bench to take a na- NO! And there goes that noise again. This time it's the creaking that gets louder. Like a coffin closing up. Already she finds herself lying down, with the device held on her hand. It's pointing away from her though.]

Coffee should help though... [Another yawn.]

firefly: mal reynolds, dragon age origins: zevran arainai

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