[011] Eleventh Loss [accidental video]

Jun 22, 2011 01:55

[Starwind does not look very well off as he is captured by the tablet’s video. Once again his hair is undone-he hasn’t bothered to take the time or the effort to braid it. Taree is nowhere in sight.

He didn’t have to see that missing person’s board to know. He could tell when he woke up alone, when he felt the lifebond fade again until it was almost gone-but not quite. And he just knew.

Moondance was gone.

He was supposed to be the sword of ice. Imperturbable. Placid. An anchor to reality for friends and students. This, though. This has shaken him to the very depths of himself. The sword of ice..as an old friend of his would say "like hell." He’s hardly that anymore, living with a feeling he had hoped that he would never have to again.

He sits still enough that it might make people think that he was sleeping-or dead-silver hair and glittering blue eyes standing out in the shadows that surround him. The only sound is his quiet breathing for a long time before he raises his face and speaks softly-barely loud enough to be made out.]

Zhai’helleva, my shay’kreth’ashke. May your wings find warmer winds and fairer skies.

!heralds of valdemar: starwind k'treva, marvel: laura kinney, dragon age origins: zevran arainai

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