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May 20, 2011 01:14

Are you all truly so pathetic that you fall prey to voices so easily? 'Tis pitiful to watch. Come now, think for yourselves, I am certain you can do this.

[She pauses, actually she's really not certain at all. They all seem rather stupid.]

The voices first began shortly after the plants began to spread, did they not? The plants that began to grow after kidnapped people returned. Ah, but there's certainly no connection between all of these things. No,no. The voices are surely real and we should all continue to listen to them and allow ourselves to slowly go insane.

[She rolls her eyes and then pauses for a moment, thinking on something. She heaves a sigh before she begins to speak again]

I have a question for those of you taken: how many of you are counted among the dead?

the dresden files: thomas raith, dragon age origins: zevran arainai

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