|| 003 || Video ||

May 08, 2011 19:36

[ When the camera flips on, there is not much for it to regard. The ceiling is exposed, sloped above. The sound of soft breathing, of rustling sheets. After a moment, there is shifting. The tablet has a small hand flopped over it, obscuring much of the picture with small fingers half-curled in the comfort of sleep ( Read more... )

dragon age ii: fenris

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[action] spiritessence May 9 2011, 04:43:18 UTC
[So...this is what they were like.

Anders almost wants to let them continue. Whether this is from all three of them or just one or two of them, doesn't matter. Sorry, children. To him, this is no different from the Fade.]

I really hate to interrupt such a...nice memory. [Yeah, he really feels bad.] But this isn't real.


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[action] youallneedme May 9 2011, 06:23:03 UTC
Stop making things up, Carver! [ There is honest snappy annoyance in Garrett's voice this time, because honestly Carver all your big bro wants to do right now is go back to sleep. It's the middle of the night for the Maker's sake! ] Go to bed...

[ Taking his own advice Garrett is rolling over, closer to Bethany and away from his insistent sibling's shaking hand. ] Stop it!

[ He swats at the other with a whine, before slowly sitting up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes- and freezing at the figure in the middle of the room. Holy shit, Carver wasn't kidding! ] Oy! What do you think you're doing?! [ The elder Hawke puffs up his cheeks, looks alarmed, and looks as though he's five seconds from shouting at the top of his lungs for their father. ]


[action] spiritessence May 9 2011, 06:52:00 UTC
[Somewhere in the back of his mind, he is glad that this isn't the Fade, as similar as it is. Justice isn't very good with children.]

I'm here to free you. [There is something utteraly wrong about talking to this child who will grow up to be the big, bearded, reckless, charming, handsome...okay, he needs to stop.]

Trust me, place isn't safe for any of you.


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[action] youallneedme May 9 2011, 08:33:01 UTC
Why are you in our HOUSE!

[ There's no point in keeping his voice low, and Garrett is balling his small hands into fists, gritting his teeth, his eyes flashing with fear, with malice. He'll protect his siblings at any cost, that much is clear in the way he stands before them, glancing over his shoulder at Carver for the briefest of moments, his eyes flicking towards the window. Wordlessly telling the other to flee out the window if things get ugly. ]

I don't know what you're playing at serah, but if you try and so much as lift a finger against me or my siblings then I'll- I'll tear out your eyes and feed them to the sköll!

[ Even despite the fact that he's half Anders' size and is distinctly lacking the muscle that he develops later in life. ]


[action] spiritessence May 10 2011, 00:44:16 UTC
["That's because it isn't your house" he would argue...but it sort of is. Just not the one that they think.]

I don't doubt that you would try. [oh Maker widdle Garrett's so adorable when he acts all tough] But you must trust me. I don't mean any harm.

[What would be a good way to convince them...Clearly, they don't recognize him and convincing them of that would be difficult. He needs to get them out of this...dimensional-space-realm-thing.]

I'm a friend of Malcom, your father. [That's the name that he recalls Garrett telling him.] He sent me to get you. Like I said, this place is not safe.


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