
Mar 03, 2012 09:31

So, Balthier is up to no good, but that's no surprise. He likes being the thorn lodged squarely in the side of any authority figure. But when the figure of authority happens to be a bunch of Gods, well, he's not stupid. He's going to need a hand.

This means your resident egotistical pirate wants to organize an expedition into the palace of Hades. The tentative date is March 9th.

As for what will be in the temple, this is what Meghann sent me:

"The actual temple is VERY large, it has a passage that leads to deeper parts, a sub-level beneath the "main" part. Throughout the entire thing they're free to find things like jewels, chalices, tiny statutes of the gods made of gold/silver/obsidian/whatever. If they make it all the way down to the last area they can find the Helm of Hades although it won't actually turn anyone invisible as it's power will be gone.

As for any encounters, people might run into ghosts that can take a corporal form and harm people, hellhounds, and harpies."

Since this is sort of a dungeon crawl event and the IC interest is already pretty big, I was thinking of having everyone split into teams to work together so everyone can have a chance to use their skills and so the log won't become a giant clusterfuck.

List of characters who have expressed interest:
Balthier - fealty_to_none
Malcolm Reynolds - aint_comin_back
Zevran Aranai - suaveleather
Lina Inverse - havea_fireball
Minako Arisato - xxii_thefool
Charis - wasinnocent
Gwen Cooper - pcgwenc
Gambit - playsforkeeps
Sam Winchester - chosefamily
Nathan Drake - assworthsaving
Rogue - la_belle_rogue

And Spike will apparently be standing guard. 'Cuz he's secretly nice like that shh!.

If anyone else is interested in a typical dungeon crawl full of ghosties and ghoulies, don't hesitate to sign up (or if you just want to keep poor Spike company until Lina inevitably Dragon Slaves the place into rubble that's cool too).

mini event

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