>>I didn't say all the things that I wanted to say

Sep 07, 2011 14:37

Who; zerosuitjill and OPEN
What; Jill TL;DRs bounces back from recent crap in her own way -- which, naturally, means acting like nothing happened as far as everyone else is concerned.
Where; The market
When; Evening, September 7
Rating; We'll go with PG-13 to be safe.
Status; Open; ongoing. And NOTE that as per my usual habits, I'm starting with prose but cool with either form.

The latest venture was over, done. The pain was gone, she'd gotten through it considerably better than most of the affected population, and she was free to move on.

Of course, nothing in Jill's life was that simple.

She'd brooded a little for a few days after parting with John, shutting herself away to err on the side of caution as the hunger threatened to rear its head a second time -- but it was never as bad as it had been, thankfully, nothing that threatened to make her lose control again. Apparently one-time satisfaction was enough.

Even so, now stuck with the knowledge of what she'd just been through, the memory of the impulse and the thirst and the terrible appetite she'd been injected with and what she'd done to satiate it, Jill had known from the start that she wouldn't find decent rest anytime soon. The nightmares had been bad enough without something like that digging up older, equally unpleasant recollections.

So now, as Jill always did when troubled, she had kept herself busy. Work, exercise, cleaning, patrol, mostly fruitless research at the library. Tonight, though, she was more or less relaxing amid a shopping trip to the market, taking the time to browse areas she hadn't given a thorough search before. She had a sidearm on her as usual; despite her complexion, the bruises on her jaw were gone and even her lips looked normal again, the discoloration faded. Just as well for multiple reasons -- she hadn't appreciated looking like a week-old textbook example of a battered wife.

The Underworld residents paid no more attention to Jill than the usual minimum, and so she perused the shops in mostly silence. She remained impressed by the variety of goods available, and curiosity had her stopping before a stall that advertised various types of jewelry, of all things. Not really her calling, but there was no harm in window-shopping decent craftsmanship, so she adjusted her bag over her shoulder as she easily avoided bumping into any passersby, browsing idly.

resident evil: jill valentine

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