Knowledge is good, okay?

Aug 21, 2011 13:50

Who; will_end_you & clairedanvers
What; Dean's gonna teach Claire all about monsters and ways she can protect herself.
Where; The library.
When; Now
Rating; PG for language cause it's Dean?
Status; Ongoing

Lessons a la supernatural style )

supernatural: dean winchester

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will_end_you August 21 2011, 20:50:09 UTC
Following a trip to the marketplace, Dean had settled himself in a quiet corner of the library to wait for Claire. There were a few books and a duffle bag on the table next to him. He'd browsed the shelves, looking for books that might detail certain things and had been lucky enough to find some. The duffle bag, he'd brought with him after packing a few things that he thought might be useful. His visit to the marketplace had added a few more things to the bag. It was a bit strange, the kinds of things that were available here.

As people came and went, Dean had been glancing up to see if any of them resembled the girl that he was supposed to be meeting. He'd picked a spot that was easily visible from the doorway, yet out of the way enough that nobody else should bother them. And when Claire entered the library, he glanced up from the archived footage he'd been going over and waved at her from his table, turning the tablet off and setting it aside.


clairedanvers August 22 2011, 15:25:38 UTC
Claire was glad for the wave. It made her natural awkwardness melt away a bit as she crossed through the tables over to his. She was a wisp of a girl, made even more so by the clothes she wore that were a little too big for her so that they almost swallowed her whole. Offering a small smile, she took her own book bag off and set it on the table before sitting down across from Dean. "Hey. So I'm Claire... in person. And you're Dean Winchester... like the rifle."


will_end_you August 24 2011, 23:44:19 UTC
Dean grins at that, chuckling. "Yeah. Like the rifle. Hey Claire. Nice to meet you. In person."

She was cute, but definitely jail bait. Still, it was a shame that she'd dressed herself in a bag. Anyway. Down to business. "So. Where do you wanna start?"

He pauses, frowning thoughtfully for a second. "What do you know about vampires?" That seems like a pretty good place to start. Once he has an idea of what she already knows, it'll be easier to build on that. Of course, some things might need straightening out, but he was going to do the best that he could.


clairedanvers August 25 2011, 18:03:27 UTC
Dean reminded Claire a little bit of Michael from back home, all business but then once he warms up to you, like a big brother type. She missed Michael. Even when she walked right into trouble he was there watching out for her. She folded her hands together on top of the table. "I know they can be burned, beheaded or staked. But staking doesn't always kill them... sometimes it just puts them in stasis until you pull the stake out. And the older they are the more sunlight they can handle... I mean it's still uncomfortable to them but they don't immediately spontaneously combust like the younger ones do. Like Amelie can stand outside for a few minutes. But my friend Michael who was turned recently, he can't handle it for barely a few seconds."


will_end_you August 25 2011, 20:08:11 UTC
"Never tried staking one. Beheading's the best was to go if you want one dead. It's probably the quickest, too. Now, the vampires that I'm used to dealing with? You can knock them out for a bit with dead man's blood. It's like poison to them. Hit one with an arrow soaked in the stuff or, if you're feeling up close and personal, injecting it right into their bloodstream will do the trick, too ( ... )


clairedanvers August 25 2011, 20:40:41 UTC
"Dead man's blood as in... the blood of someone who's dead." She has this 'really?' look on her face. She's never even thought to try that before. But if that worked back home, what a difference her crossbow would make. Since she was just a normal human, she preferred the kind of weapons that worked at a distance rather than up close, hand to hand.

"Yeah most people in Morganville are indoors by Sundown unless they're clueless or have a death wish. Frank tried to blow up some buildings, start some fires, attack them one-on-one at night. He was a vigilante pretty much with a gang." She shakes her head. "Michael's still my friend though, he's like family. We just... keep blood in the fridge which I know sounds so gross but... you do what you have to do for family."


will_end_you August 26 2011, 00:30:35 UTC
"Hey. I know it sounds weird, but it's always worked for me. Usually get it from the morgue or something." Not legally, of course, but she didn't need to know that ( ... )


clairedanvers August 26 2011, 05:00:30 UTC
"Oh, oh that is good to know. I'll make sure to be careful around him then. You should probably have a code word, you know for all your friends here. Something that will prove you're you and not him in case he has one of those days where he wants to impersonate you." Active imagination much? Yep, Claire had one.

She kind of shifts nervously in her seat. "Can I ask you a weird question?"


will_end_you August 26 2011, 05:34:16 UTC
"Already thought of that." Dean smirks. "The only problem, though, is that he could figure out a code word. So I'll give you something better. The vampires that I've dealt with back home, and this vampire Dean don't have fangs like you'd generally think of vampires having. They have a second set of pointed teeth that's hidden in their gums. So you just have to have me do this, (he pulls back his upper lip so she can see his gums for a few seconds) and if it's the other guy, you'll be able to see the slits in his gums where the teeth are hiding." Someone was only slightly paranoid.

He tilts his head slightly at her apparent worry before giving her a warm grin and leaning back in his chair. "Sure. Fire away."


clairedanvers August 26 2011, 06:19:20 UTC
Clare narrows her eyes, leaning in just enough to see that this Dean's gums are as they should be. It was strange to think that there were all different kinds of vampires out there with different strengths and weaknesses, maybe even some who could walk in sunlight as much as they wanted. Of course it also stood to reason. Not all humans had the same strengths and weaknesses either. Why should vampires be any different?

She settles back in her seat with a nod and folds her hands together over the table. "What about the times when things aren't so black and white? When things that should be evil aren't always so evil? I mean... attacking all vampires the same when they aren't all the same is... it feels wrong. Just like it feels wrong when some of them treat all humans as if we're all the same."


will_end_you August 27 2011, 09:58:58 UTC
Dean raises an eye brow at her question. Well, that hadn't been what he'd expected her to ask. He wasn't sure what he'd expected, but that wasn't it. She does have a good point though. He sighs, running a hand over his face before resting his elbows on the table and leaning forward ( ... )


clairedanvers August 27 2011, 15:34:35 UTC
"It's just hard sometimes because the line is so blurred. One minute they're saving my life and the next they're the ones putting me in danger. And Michael... his loyalties are split now. He watches out for us but also has to tow the line with them. It's all just... really confusing sometimes. And when I think too much about it, they're all just wanting to survive as much as we want to. And most of the Vampires in Morganville are trying to do it without killing. It's the whole point of Morganville, as messed up as it is."

Claire pushes a hand back through her hair. "Amelie... she's trying to do something noble here. I'm just not sure if what she's trying to do is possible or if how she's going about it is the best way." She smirks and shrugs. "But anyone who tries to tell her different is talking to nobody really. Talk about a power trip. Most of the vampires have it even if they're trying to co-exist with humans."


....And I typed this up HOURS ago and forgot to post. will_end_you August 29 2011, 05:39:34 UTC
"Well. Your situation is... really weird. Even with everything I've seen. You've got a group of vampires trying to go all Cullen or something on you, but it sounds like there's just too frigging many of them to really be organized. I mean... How many vampires are there in Morganville anyway? Because I think that any of the groups that we've run into were... less than ten, probably. I can't imagine that tossing a bunch of them together with a bunch of humans would go over all that well. Even with the best of intentions. I mean, it's great, I guess, that they're trying to organize something like this, but you've got too many people to control. Amelie can't stop 'slipups' happening. And - correct me if I'm wrong here, but I'm willing to bet that the humans don't have any sort of official representation in this screwed up town ( ... )


clairedanvers August 31 2011, 15:02:32 UTC
"There's too many to count, vampires I mean. And there is one human on the council but... I'm not sure how much power he has. When it boils down the Vampires will look out for themselves." She shrugs lightly. Dean is right, of course. But the thought of losing Michael or even the crazy Myrnin who has saved and helped her more times than she can count, it turns her stomach. She's seen Vampires who have tried so hard to make Morganville work die and it always upsets her. Maybe that makes her wrong. God knows her friend Shane who thought of everything in black and white thought it made her wrong.

She's glad to think about something else now and nods eagerly at Dean. "Yes, please. What else is out there." Claire opens her bag and takes out a notebook and pen in which she keeps all of her research written down in.


I'm sorry for taking FOREVER. Have a long tag to make up for it? will_end_you September 7 2011, 05:07:09 UTC
"I dunno. I mean.. I guess it depends on what kind of guy this human is, but most people wouldn't want to stand up and go against a room full of vampires. That's kind of suicidal." His mouth presses into a line. It was an interesting concept - vampires and humans living and working together - but it didn't really sound like it was actually working. At least not in this instance ( ... )


Woot!! :D clairedanvers September 9 2011, 16:12:45 UTC
Dean was right. Morganville wasn't really working, mostly because there would always be greed and narrow-mindedness in both parties. And as much as some, both humans and vampires, tried, it would never really work thanks to those few who wanted to stick to the old ways, those who wanted to make a profit and those who thought of everything in the starkness of black and white. Morganville had all of those, plus some who just wanted to see it fail to prove Amelie wrong ( ... )


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