Mine's a Tale That Can't Be Told

Aug 07, 2011 21:16

Who; will_end_you and grace_optional 
What; Dean decides that Anna needs cheering up.
Where; Anna's Apartment
When; Now?
Rating; PG or PG13, for possible language from Dean
Status; In Progress

Dean hadn't slept all that well for the past two nights. Memories that weren't his had plagued his sleep, even seeping into his waking hours. And he felt an aching loneliness that wasn't his and was impossible to shake.

After the first day, Dean had started to keep an eye on his tablet, waiting to see in anybody else was experiencing the same thing. Either way, it was probably just another one of the Underworld's latest games. It seemed, however, that other people's memories were being shared with strangers and it didn't take Dean too long to realize that what had been bothering him was some angel's memory.

He'd thought on it for a bit before jumping to the conclusion that the memory had probably originated with Anna. Even if it hadn't, it wasn't like he'd seen much of her lately and she could probably use some cheering up either way.

So Dean had wandered down to the market place, looking for some sort of trinket or something to give her. Girls liked that sort of thing, after all, and maybe it would cheer her up. He glanced over several places before settling on some flowers. Couldn't go wrong with those, right?

As he was leaving the market area, a small puppy came tearing out of an alley, a sausage link secured in its jaws, the rest of the string trailing out behind it. A man, presumably the original owner of the meat was chasing after the dog, waving his hands in the air.

"Stop him!"

Dean stepped out, securing one of the links under his shoe and bringing the puppy to a halt. "Your dog?"

The man looked at him like he must be joking. "Nope. Gonna put the poor little beggar out of his misery though. Caused me quite a bit of trouble this past week."

"Yeah?" Dean glanced at the dog for a few seconds before making his decision. He tucked the flowers under one arm and scooped up the dog, prying the sausages from its mouth. "I'll take him. Make sure he won't cause you any more trouble."

He handed over the meat with a grin and continued on his way.

As he reached Anna's apartment, Dean tucked the squirming pup under his jacket, waiting until it had calmed down and stopped moving before he knocked on the door, grinning and preparing to hand over the flowers.

supernatural: dean winchester

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