Who; Alison Rourke (this one) and Garrett Hawke (
What; Alison gets lost. Rogue lessons to follow.
When; After the Labyrinth Event
Rating; PG tops?
Status; Closed, incomplete.
Lost. Actually lost. Got turned around in the Market. Distracted by lights, by lack of them, by disorientated stumbling. Remembers that he might live in the mansion. That she went there before to teach Kaine about laundry. But can't remember how to get from point x to point y, even with geometry. Even with a rough map. Not sure if she can still tell the truth, or if the lies are back. She hopes the lies are back. She has a few to tell. Not to him. Maybe. She doesn't know.
Needs to change. Just a little. Refine a theory. Right now, in a fight, in most fights, she does very little. Almost useless, but not quite. A flash of magic in the pan. When she's tired, gone. Lights out. Still has too much energy. Still hasn't slept more than eight hours since she got here. Still needs an endless amount of distractions. Still talking like a cliche, like babble, like useless words pouring out.
Still lost, looking up.